区块链,新时代! Blockchain, A New Era! 第13届华盛顿创新创业与投资论坛暨美东创业大赛 区块链及TMT专题论坛演讲嘉宾介绍 The 13th Washington Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Investment Forum & US Eastern Startup Contest Blockchain Keynote and Panel Speakers April 8th 2018 800 22nd St NW, Washington, D.C. (GWU Engineering School) Co-Host: GWU-CSSA UCTID Agenda: 13:00-15:30 Keynote and Panel:blockchain, cloud, big data 技术与产业趋势论坛 15:30-18:00 Startup contest 创业大赛项目决赛路演 18:30-20:30 Awarding Ceremony 颁奖晚宴 Web: http://www.uctid.org/contest4/ (中文) http://www.uctid.org/en/contest4/ (English) 区块链专题演讲嘉宾: 顾教忠博士/Dr. JiaoGu,President, FEi Systems 美国联邦,州及地方政府健康管理,人力资源,及福利管理信息系统顶级服务商FEI创始人,总裁兼CEO。公司规模发展到450多人,销售近亿美元。FEi正在开发区块链应用系统。 Dr. Jiao-Zhong Gu is the Founder, President, and Chief Executive Officer of FEi Systems. As President and Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Gu is responsible for the overall vision, long-term strategy, and financial well-being of FEi Systems. Dr. Gu has more than 20 years of technical experience in data modeling, business process modeling, system simulations, relational database design, and expert system design. Dr. Gu founded FEi Systems in 1999, with a focus on building behavioral health IT systems and supporting clinical research initiatives. Dr. Gu has grown the company from a vigorous start-up to a robust and mature organization with more than 300 full-time employees. Mr. Bhatt, CTO,FEi Systems Mr. Bhatt is a senior information technology executive with more than 20 years of professional experience with large scale systems, with a background rich in analysis, technical design and solution implementation. He has worked in various environments, including private industries as well as the federal government, states, counties, and US territories. He has direct and ongoing interaction with governmental healthcare agencies to impact the implementation of collaborative-type solutions to common and uncommon problems encountered in program implementations. Mr. Bhatt is currently a Chief Technology Officer (CTO) leading the implementation processes at FEi Systems. He has been staying up to speed with the latest technologies such as Blockchain and currently leading in Blockchain implementation for FEI’s Blue Compass healthcare solution platform. He is an active member of Health Level 7 (HL7) and is involved in the development and review of Health IT standards and initiatives such as Office of National Coordinator workgroups. He is well versed with the healthcare interoperability content standards such as CCD/C32, CCDA, FHIR, etc. and standardized terminology such as SNOMED-CT, LOINC, RxNorm, etc. Mr. Bhatt holds an MBA from the University of Maryland and Masters of Technology/Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT). 韩锋/Feng Han, the investor of blockchain 3.0 ELATOS , NEO 哥伦比亚大学访问研究员、华为中央研究院区块链顾问、亚洲区块链DACA协会秘书长、亦来云基金会理事,主编了《区块链新经济蓝图及导读》,《区块链开发与实例》,《区块链—量子财富观》等专著,参与开发了清华大学研究生公共课《赛博智能经济和区块链》并任主讲之一。 投资了区块链3.0案例亦来云及NEO。 Mr. Feng Han: Research&associate at Columbia University, a developer and instructor of Tsinghua University’s graduate course series ‘Cyber Intelligence Economics and Block Chain’, Blockchain Advisor at Huawei Central Institute, Secretary General of Asia Blockchain DACA (Distributed Autonomous Coalition of Asia) Association, Executive Council Member of Elastos, main author of ‘Blockchain Quantum Wealth’ and various other works. 曹辉宁博士, 教授/Dr.Huining Cao, Professor 长江商学院金融学教授,金融系主任,美国财务学会会员,曾任教于加州大学伯克利分校, 北卡罗来纳大学Chapel Hill分校。1979年考入中国科学技术大学少年班,美国加州大学洛杉矶分校博士、耶鲁大学博士。 Finance Professor at Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, head of the Department of finance, Member of the Finance Society of America, taught at the University of California at Berkeley, the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, admitted to the USTC gifted class in 1979, Yale University/ UCLA PhDs. 张志军博士 / Dr. Zhijun Zhang 世界银行集团 张志军于1990年获北京大学计算机科学学士学位,之后在北大计算机研究所研究开发方正电子出版系统的编辑和排版软件,并首次将国际标准排版语言引入方正系统。1993年赴美国马里兰大学深造,并于1999年获计算机科学博士学位,研究课题为软件工程的数据化分析及系统可用性的评估,获得马里兰大学最佳科研一等奖。之后加入基金与投资管理公司领航集团(Vanguard),先后从事用户体验,新技术策略研究,系统架构,以及信息安全工作。其间将多项新技术介绍进公司并被使用。2009年加入世界银行新成立的信息安全团队,现在任世界银行集团的首席信息安全架构师,领导信息安全架构团队设计和评估世行集团的各种信息系统,帮助成员国政府部门建立和完善信息安全架构,同时也致力于对新技术的研究,包括创建区块链实验室。张志军博士多次在学术届和工业届的大会上做报告、演讲、或主题发言。 Zhijun William Zhang is the lead information security architect at The World Bank Group, where he leads the information security architecture team in designing information security architecture patterns in the Bank Group, and in providing security design guidance for enterprise platforms and applications. The core missions of the World Bank Group includes ending extreme poverty by helping improve the lives of the poor and vulnerable. This can be achieved by leveraging the power of emerging technologies to deliver cost effective and innovative development solutions, improving results on the ground. Aligned With these goals, William and colleagues have continuously conducting research on emerging technologies – raising awareness among among key stakeholders on the technical know-how, business opportunities for the World Bank, information security risks, and mitigation strategies. Blockchain is one of the emerging technologies the The team has covered the last, and William is a founding member of the Blockchain Lab in the World Bank Group. Before joining the World Bank, William worked at The Vanguard Group, a large financial service organization in the US, in various capacities, including user experience design, emerging technology research, system architecture, and information security. William received his B.S. and M.S degrees from Peking University of China, and his Ph.D. from University of Maryland, College Park, all in computer science. 罗勇教授 研究员。北京大学中国金融政策研究中心执行主任兼中国国际工程咨询公司战略研究院副院长。历任中国科学院信息咨询中心副主任。研究方向:国际金融 贾红教授 研究员。华富保险经纪公司董事长、北京大学中国金融政策研究中心副秘书长丶中国国际工程咨询公司战略研究院专家学术委员。 段渠 /River Duan President, Summit Capital 美国清峰资本投资管理公司创始合伙人。在中国政府,美国智库,美国大学,美国网络电信及风险投资行业从事技术,管理,及投资服务近20年。曾在中国科学院总部及中国科技部参与高科技项目管理,在美国著名智库斯坦福研究院SRI利用全球科学引文索引(SCI)数据库开展智能分析及开发,在美国移动安全网络创新公司Ecutel,LLC及三家世界500强美国电信网络上市公司Teligent, Qwest及Time Warner Cable担任过高级系统工程师,在网络安全及诸多网络层或应用层协议TCP/IP,IP Sec, DNS,Mobile IP, WiFi,Radius及LDAP方面具有丰富的技术开发和系统管理经验。作为团队核心工程师,曾在美国国防部合同项目支持下,成功地开发了世界上最早的,集成IPSec和Mobile IP两大网络协议的移动VPN系统。近年来积极跟踪研究区块链技术及应用。目前还协议担任国科控股北美地区国际化业务联络代表,并兼任其子公司国科投资北美基金(硅谷)投资总监。清华大学力学学士,中国科学院力学硕士,美国乔治梅森大学计算机科学硕士,及该校系统科学,科技管理与政策博士候选人。清华大学企业家协会(TEEC)会员。 Founder and President, Center for US-China Technology, Innovation & Development (UCTID), Inc. Founder and President, Summit Capital, LLC. 20 years of professional experience in ICT industry, technology management, transfer, innovation,incubation and investment. Mr. Duan worked for Chinese Academy of Sciences headquarters and Ministry of Science and Technology as project manager,worked for thinktank SRI as International Fellow. He served as Co-Chair of China sub-committee in Northern Virginia Technology Council (2008), Mr. Duan worked for advanced mobile VPN startup Ecutel, LLC, and three US telecom carriers: Teligent, Qwest and Time Warner Cable, as senior system engineer. Mr. Duan has intensive experience in TCP/IP, IP Security, Mobile IP, DNS, Radius, LDAP, and WiFi. As a core team member, he developed the earliest Mobile VPN software system that successfully integrated and implemented IPsec and Moble IP protocols. Mr. Duan also serves as a contracted Representative of Chinese Academy of Science Holding, Ltd. and Chinese Academy of Sciences Investment Management, Ltd in US. Mr. Duan earned BE degree from Tsinghua University and MS degree from Chinese Academy of Sciences, MS degree of Computer Science and Ph.D. candidacy (System Research, Science and Technology Policy & Management) from George Mason University. A member of Tsinghua Entrepreneur and Executive Club (TEEC). Mr. Wesley Yuan,Chairman, Old Dominion National Bank Mr. Wesley Yuan serves as managing director at LendingPad, offering next-generation financing technology for US real estate consumers. He also serves as President of retail at WEI Mortgage LLC (WEI) and as Chairman of the Board for Old Dominion National Bank. Mr. Yuan has extensive experience in real estate, finance, banking, governance and information technology. In 2002, he founded WEI, an approved seller/servicer for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Federal Housing Administration, Veteran's Administration and a Ginnie Mae security issuer, operating nationwide. Under Mr. Yuan’s leadership, WEI focused on delivering a superior customer experience through the use of customized technologies. WEI grew from a five-employee brokerage firm to an award-winning, multi-state full service mortgage lender. In 2016, ARC Home, with capital commitments from NYSE-listed MITT and private funds managed by Angelo, Gordon & Co., acquired WEI. Mr. Yuan received his dual Bachelor degrees in Mathematics and Electrical Engineering from the University of Maryland College Park and his Master of Science degree in Computer Science from the Johns Hopkins University. Mr. Yuan is currently enrolled at Stonier Graduate School of Banking in the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. 袁先生为WEI Technology LLC创始人和管理者,同时也身为 WEI Mortgage LLC 公司执行总裁以及美国复兴国民银行(Old Dominion National Bank)董事会主席 。 袁先生拥有马里兰大学(College Park)数学和电子工程双学士,约翰-霍普金斯大学(John Hopkins University)计算机科学硕士。 目前在宾州大学沃顿商学院(University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business) 继续深造。 袁先生在美国房地产,房屋抵押贷款,美国银行管理和行业监管,以及高科技信息技术研发等方面具有十分丰富的经验。 WEI立信贷款公司:自2002年至2016年间,以袁先生领导的团队成功地将公司发展成为一个全国范围性的知名公司,并获得全球顶尖对冲资金Angelo Gordon的成功入股。美国复兴国民银行(Old Dominion National Bank):袁先生领导的团队经两年的努力,于2013年成功为美国复兴国民银行取得了美国银行牌照,成为了之2008年金融危机以来非常少数被美国货币监管署(OCC)批准的银行。在2013-2016年,袁先生成功为美国复兴国民银行引入财务投资人3千8百万美元资金,这在美国属于最大的一笔未上市银行股权融资项目。经过2年的成功资本运作以及业务发展,该银行的总资产已经由原来的3千万美金发展成为1.65亿美金。 孙建/Jian Sun: Founder, JD Blockchain Lab & Foundation 九鼎资本 MBA, Tsinghua-Australian National University. Guest Professor, Hohai University. Entrepreneurship Mentor,NewHuaDu Business School. Formerly Parnter of JD Capital (SH.600053), Jian had invested in numerous unicorn companies in mobile internet sector with notable exits including 91 Mobile Assist ($1.9B M&A) and Tuandai(sz.300176, over rmb13B market cap). JLab: our flagship crypto fund, previously known as JD Blockchain Lab. JLab has invested in over 30 blockchain projects globally. Portfolio includes Comsa,Quoine, ONT, Qunqun,Elf,AAC,Pro,Cointiger,Topchain,ShareX,CIC,Trip, Metadium,Thunder token, my token. TMT专题论坛嘉宾: RYO HANG , Founder , Frugalops (Cloud solutions) 2016-Present founder of frugalops. He is a software engineer, solution architecture and career mentor for number of successful apprentices working in TaoBao,Google,Amazon. Sent from my iPhone。 2013-2015 CTO Cofounder of Snaapiq 2013-2015创业 Exploraa Inc(担任CTO)十二年开发经验,amazon云构架师,全栈工程师frugalops创始人,带领团队为企业客户做amazon云计算构架设计和部署优化。软件极客。 邢传华博士 Chuanhua Julia Xing, Ph.D. 大数据精准医疗专家 美国XPrecision LLC和世华大数据健康(深圳)有限公司创始人。北卡州立医疗大数据博士,杜克博士后,原波士顿大学助理教授,国际著名生物制药公司阿斯利康首席统计数据学家,美国国家防御部门三个疫苗项目总统计数据指导,中山大学特聘教授,博士导师,美国华人生物医药协会副会长,理事。师从机器识别泰斗美国工程院士Donald Bitzer, 与多位业界最高奖COPSS President Award获得者合作。机器算法国际青年专家,擅长分子和临床医疗数据的深度挖掘。在顶级/著名国际杂志上发表主要作者文章近30篇,获得多项国际研究奖项,领导和参与多个国际基因医疗大数据,肺癌和疫苗药物研发项目(累计项目资金50-100亿美元),在国际大会,著名大学,药厂发表演讲60多次。 Dr. Chuanhua Julia Xing is the founder of XPrecision LLC and ShiHua Big Data Healthcare (Shenzhen, China), focusing on the development of artificial intelligence products with applications to disease prediction, diagnosis, treatment and management and drug development. She is also Vice President and board member of Chinese Biopharmaceutical Association, visiting professor of Sun Yat-Sun University, member of Precision Medicine Advisor Committee for Beijing Health Promotion Association etc. She also serves as organizers or chairs to meetings and organizations such as the Joint Statistical Meetings and the Committee on Nominations for Caucus for Women in Statistics, American Association of Statistics. She graduated from North Carolina State University with Ph.D. degree, gained postdoc training from Duke University, and worked as an Assistant Professor from Boston University, a Principal Statistician in AstraZeneca – MedImmune and the Statistical Advisor for statistical works of three new drug development in CSRA – Dynport Vaccine Company. She is expertise in statistics in genomics, proteomics, drug development and clinical studies, especially in the development of novel machine learning methods for complex medical issues. She participated in the national-wide multi-center studies such as the Framingham Heart Study and the CHARGE Sequencing. She led the second stage drug component improvement of the lung cancer drug Imfinzi in Astrazeneca – MedImmune, and the development and management of four vaccines including rF1V, rBV A/B, huBChE and FluMist. She has published near 30 papers, with most as the major author in the top journals in the field of statistics and biomedicine. She has also won multiple research and leadership awards, and presented more than 60 times in national/international meetings, universities and pharmaceutical companies. |