白宮宣佈美國交通部部長趙小蘭將代表美國出席日本天皇登基典禮 记者传明编辑报道 来自美国交通部长赵小兰办公室的公告:美國交通部部長趙小蘭將率領總統代表團出席2019年10月22日暨日本天皇登基典禮。白宮於2019年10月4日星期五宣布。 趙小兰部長是美國最重要的女性領導人之一。目前,她擔任美國聯邦交通部部長,這是她第二任內閣職位。該部門在她的領導下已成為提升國家安全,現代化基礎設施和美國創新的國家平台。此前,她曾擔任美國勞工部部長,成為美國歷史上首位被任命為總統內閣成員的亞裔女性。 作為一個八歲來美,不會說一句英文的移民,她在19歲時獲得美國公民身份。在新的國家的成長經歷激發她將其職業生涯用於幫助並確保每個人,尤其是傳統上被忽視的社區,都有機會為自己和家人創造更加美好的生活。 她在公共、私營和非營利部門都獲得傑出的職業生涯。趙小兰部長在白宮開始從事公共服務事業,處理交通相關事務。之後,她曾擔任美國交通部海事署副署長;聯邦海事委員會主席;美國交通部副部長;趙部長也曾擔任和平隊主任;美國聯合勸募協會,美國主要的非營利機構之一的總裁兼首席執行官;她也曾在美國銀行和花旗集團私營部門擔任企業聯合組織副總裁。因其在公共服務領域取得的廣泛傑出成就,她因此榮獲37個榮譽博士學位。 趙小兰部長的先生是聯邦參議員多數黨領袖密契·麥康諾。她是趙錫成博士和已故的趙朱木蘭女士六個女兒中的長女。 另据消息:特朗普總統宣布總統代表團訪日參加天皇登基典禮。唐納德·約翰·特朗普總統今日宣布指定總統代表團將於二零一九年十月二十二日參加日本天皇登基典禮。 總統代表團成員:約瑟夫•楊(臨時代辦) 美國駐日大使館(東京)。 美国总统白宫新闻秘书办公室立即发布2019年10月4日美国总统唐纳德·j·特朗普(Donald J. Trump)宣布总统代表团前往日本参加天皇陛下的登基仪式的公告:今天,唐纳德·j·特朗普(Donald J. Trump)总统宣布任命一个总统代表团前往日本,参加2019年10月22日天皇陛下的登基仪式。 交通部长赵小兰将率团出席。 主席代表团成员: 美国驻东京大使馆临时代办Joseph M. Young先生。 Advisory: White House Announces U.S. Secretary of Transportation Elaine L. Chao to Represent the United States of America at the Enthronement Ceremony of the Emperor of Japan Per Official White House Announcement Below – Secretary Elaine L. Chao of the U.S. Department of Transportation will lead the Presidential Delegation to Attend the Enthronement Ceremony of the Emperor of Japan on October 22, 2019. This was announced by the White House on Friday, October 4, 2019. Secretary Chao is one of our country’s most consequential women leaders. Currently, she serves as the U.S. Secretary of Transportation – her second cabinet position, which she has transformed into a national platform to advance safety, modern infrastructure and American innovation. Previously, she served as U.S. Secretary of Labor, becoming the first Asian American woman to be appointed to the President's cabinet in American history. An immigrant who arrived in America at the age of eight speaking no English, she received her citizenship at the age of 19. Her experience transitioning to a new country motivated her to devote her career to help ensure that everyone – especially traditionally underserved communities – has the opportunity to build better lives for themselves and their families. She has had a distinguished career in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. Secretary Chao began her executive career in government working on transportation issues at the White House. She then served as Deputy Maritime Administrator, U. S. Department of Transportation; Chairman of the Federal Maritime Commission; Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation and Director of the Peace Corps. She was also President and Chief Executive Officer of one of America’s premier nonprofit institutions, United Way of America. She has also worked in the private sector as Vice President of Syndications at Bank of America and Citicorp. Honored for her extensive record of accomplishments and public service, she is the recipient of 37 honorary doctorate degrees. Secretary Chao is married to the United States Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. She is the eldest of six daughters born to Dr. James S.C. Chao and the late Mrs. Ruth Mulan Chu Chao. file:///C:/Users/PC/AppData/Local/Temp/ksohtml/wps5554.tmp.png Office of the Press Secretary FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 4, 2019 President Donald J. Trump Announces Presidential Delegation to Japan to Attend the Ceremony of the Enthronement of His Majesty the Emperor Today, President Donald J. Trump announced the designation of a Presidential Delegation to Japan to attend the Ceremony of the Enthronement of His Majesty the Emperor on October 22, 2019. The Honorable Elaine L. Chao, Secretary of Transportation, will lead the delegation. Members of the Presidential Delegation: Mr. Joseph M. Young, Chargé d’Affaires ad interim, U.S. Embassy Tokyo |