纪念安辉博士 2020年1月1日 2019年12月25日,在美国的首都华盛顿,外面的气温难得地爬在51度的高度,阳光撒在冬日的大地,一切都显示一个超级美好的圣诞节,可是一个远方的电话,突然让明媚的阳光失去了色彩,我不敢相信自己的耳朵,安辉竟然在佛罗里达度假时倏尔仙逝了。这哀痛,瞬间象一只铁手紧紧地拽住我,我的心下沉、下沉,自己瘫坐在沙发上,身体宛若陷在无尽的深渊里。 第一次见到安辉,是菁英学院成立STEM项目时,她邀请我去她家商谈成立机器人俱乐部,我们通电话时,时间已经不早了,但是双方感觉还有很多事要确定,她就说,你过来吧,我们家都是夜猫子,不要紧的。第一眼看到她,我就知道她是那个能够带给你阳光的人,她的笑,她的谈吐以及她那可以轻松地shrug off困难的身体语言,一下子就让我毫无负担地把机器人俱乐部的负责工作全权委托给她了。 安辉在NASA工作,她有很好的技术和业务背景,俱乐部工作的开展也很顺利,仅仅几个月后,小孩子们在参加的第一次比赛时就拿到了评委奖。每次我去学院的教室看小孩子们的工作,她总是那样对我微微一笑,问我最近怎样。教室里小孩子们的吵闹声就是她生活的背景音乐,我相信她是enjoy的。 安辉自己有三个小孩,每个小孩都有不同的活动安排,作为妈妈,她总是一天到晚都把自己的时间安排得妥妥贴贴,接了这个小孩,再送那个小孩。上机器人课时,我看到她和儿子总是一起搬器材,然后下课时收拾器材,有时她还开放自己的家,让愿意多学习的小孩到她家里去补课。为了预备比赛,她有时整个周末都呆在俱乐部里和学生一起搭电线,设计程序,每一分每一秒都是倾注全情。 我不能说安辉是一个女汉子,虽然她天生乐观,浑身都是用不完的精力,特别是她的聪明才干,一点也不让须眉,我不能这样说的原因是2019年夏天我在青岛出差时,接到了她打过来的电话,知道她爸爸不幸离去,她的伤心的哭声,让我看到她柔弱的另一面,我明白她是一个多好的女儿,她陪爸爸看医生,住院和守夜,她有多少知心话和爸爸说。 不久前她才把爸爸的骨灰送回国内安葬好,尽一个女儿的孝心。 我也给Kerry上过课,有时他调皮,我就会和安辉开玩笑,我说安辉,你小时候是不是也是这个样子,她还是笑,并说她小时候可能还要更皮,可是她是一个女生,所以老师不怎么批评她,她接着说,如果需要,我可以尽管discipline他。她给我的授权,让我看到一个睿智的妈妈。 安辉也和我谈过很多未来,她的导师是世界闻名的机器人专家,她自己也参与世界先进的科研工作,她很想培养一些顶尖的华人科技人员,特别是那种能够设计在别的星球上探索的Robots,她说她想等俱乐部长大后,她要建一个橱窗,她要把俱乐部的奖旗和奖杯以及设计的机器人放在橱窗里,等到哪天可以歇口气时,就自己去看看。我知道这是每一个有雄心壮志的人都有的想法,当学院把安辉博士的不幸消息告诉俱乐部的家长学生时,好多学生都失声痛哭,他们不能够接受那么样一个阳光的老师就这样匆忙地离开了,她还没有来得及布置新年的第一个家庭作业,也没有交代比赛的出场顺序,就这样突然离开了。她的这样一个关于橱窗的想法现在竟然变成了一个遗愿,每一个和安老师朝夕相处的学生和家长的痛苦都是从内心深处发出的。安老师,你还可以和我们坐下来开一次会吗,哪怕是那种匆匆的小憩式的咖啡闲谈? 朱平先生,我理解什么言语也不能表达你的痛苦,我自己个人也有一个相似的经历,我的爸爸就是突然不辞而别的。当黑暗降临时,失去身边人的震撼不是我们这样单薄的身体所能够承受的,何况你失去的是这样一个完美的妻子。你曾经开玩笑说,不管争什么,你最后总是输给她。我告诉你,我和她也经常会因为工作安排有讨论,我也从来没有赢过。要赢一个智慧的女士不是一件容易的事,何况是安辉这样的出类拔萃者。 安博士是一个优秀的第一代移民,她用她短暂的一生照亮了她的周围,今天我们来怀念安博士,我们不仅仅看到她是一个好女儿、妻子和妈妈,我们也不仅仅看到她是一个博士、老师和俱乐部负责人,我们怀念的是她那种乐观的精神,无私奉献的态度,以及勇于承担的责任感。我们的肉体生命总会因为这样那样的原因而终止,而安博士身上所发出的这种光辉,正是我们第一代华人移民的一种宝贵精神的反照,是一种自强不息,一往无前的决心。这种决心一定会鼓励我们更多的人前行! 我相信,我们的橱窗一定会有的,菁英学院董事会不但决定改变俱乐部名字来纪念我们亲爱的老师,而且也决定设立用安博士名字命名的STEM奖学金,我相信会有更多的华人和其他族裔人士、机构会参与进来,我们已经收到FTC负责人的信函,我们也得到了好多其他俱乐部教练的关心,他们为此特别安排时间来帮助我们俱乐部比赛的准备工作。朱平先生,虽然安博士走了,但你不是孤独的,你的朋友,安博士的好友,她生命所照亮的每一个人,一定会把安博士未尽的事业继续下去,以慰其在天之灵。 安博士您一路走好! (菁英学院,杨修竹,谨以此献给一起打拼的华人同胞安辉博士) In Memorial of Dr. Hui An On December 25, 2019, in the capital of the
United States, Washington, the outside temperature climbed at a rare 51
degrees, and the sun was scattered on the winter ground. Everything showed a
super beautiful Christmas, but a distant phone call suddenly made the bright
sun had lost its color, and I couldn't believe my ears. An Hui passed away
during her vacationing in Florida. This sorrow, grasps me tightly like an iron
hand for a moment. My heart keeps sinking while I sitting on the sofa. My whole
body is like in a bottomless hole. The first time I saw Anhui was when the Academy
of Excellence planned to set up the STEM project. She invited me to her house
to discuss the establishment of a robotics club. When we talked on the phone,
it was very late already, but the two sides felt that there were still many
things to determine. She said, come here, it really will not bother us because
we are all night owls. The first time I saw her, I knew that she was the one
who could bring you sunshine. Her smile, her tone, and her body language that
could easily shrug off difficult things suddenly made me unburdened. I
entrusted her fully and agreed that she took the lead to the robotics club. Anhui works at NASA. She has a very strong technical
and business background. The club work is also going smoothly. The team won a
Judges’ Award after 5 month’s practice. Every time I go to the classroom to see the
work of the students, she always smiles at me and asks me how everything else
goes. The noise in the classroom is like the background music, and I believe
she enjoys it. Anhui herself has three children, and each
child has different activities. As a mother, she always arranges her time
properly, picks up one child from one place, and sends the other one to a
different place. During the robotics class, I saw that she and her son always
moved equipment together, and then packed up the equipment after class.
Sometimes she also opened her own home, allowing children who were willing to
learn more to come to her home to do extra practice. In order to prepare for
the game, she sometimes stayed in the club all weekend, wiring and planning,
and every second she devoting completely. I can't say that Anhui is an iron female.
Although she is naturally optimistic, she has all the energy she can use,
especially her clever talents in working as excellent as that of a strong man. In
the summer of 2019 when I was in Qingdao for a business trip, after receiving a
call from her, I got the notice that her father died unexpectedly. Her heart-breaking
cry showed her softness. I understand how good she is. She accompanied her
father to the doctor and stayed up in hospital when he was hospitalized. And
vigil, how much did she say to her dad. Not long ago, she took his father’s
ashes back to China for burial, and fulfilled her filial piety as a soft
daughter. I also taught Kerry, her elder son. Sometimes
he was naughty, and I would joke with Anhui. I said to her: was this the same
when you were a kid? She laughed, and said that she might have been worse when
she was a child. Being a girl, she did have advantages to avoid a punishment
from the teacher. She continued, you can discipline him if needed. The
authorization she gave to me showed me that she is a wise mother. Anhui had many conversations with me on future
plans. Her mentor is a world-renowned robot expert. She also participates in world-class
scientific research. She wants to train some top Chinese scientific and
technical personnel, especially those who can design Robots exploring on other planets.
She says that she wants to build a displaying window when the club matures. She
will put the awards, trophies and the robot models in the club window. Someday when she can rest for a while, she
will go and take a look at them. I know this is the idea of every ambitious
person. When we informed the parents and students of
Dr. Anhui's passing, many students burst into tears and they couldn’t accept
such an unfortunate departure. She left in such a hurry, and had not had time
to assign the first homework for the New Year, and did not explain the order of
appearance of the competition. Her plan/idea has suddenly turned into a last
wish, and the pain of every student and parent who stays with her comes from
the deep heart. Anhui, can you sit down with us for a meeting, even the short
coffee break? Mr. Zhu Ping, I understand that no words can
express your pain. I personally have a similar experience. My father suddenly
left without saying goodbye. When the darkness falls, the shock of losing the
people around you is not what our rigid body can bear, not to mention that you
lose such a perfect wife. You used to joke that no matter what you fight for,
you always lose to her. Let me tell you, she and I often have discussions about
work arrangements, and I have never won. Winning over a wise lady is not an easy
task, let alone an outstanding person like Anhui. Dr. An is an excellent first-generation
immigrant. She has illuminated her surroundings with her short life. Today we come
to memorize Dr. An’s life together. We not only see that she is a good
daughter, wife and mother, yet not only seeing her as a doctor, a teacher and a
club leader, we remember her optimistic spirit, selfless dedication, and sense
of responsibility. Our physical life will end in one way or another, but this
radiance from Dr. An, a reflection of the precious spirit of our first
generation of Chinese immigrants, will last. It is a self-improvement and a
constant determination. This determination will definitely encourage more of us
to move forward! I believe that our displaying window will be
there. The board of directors of Academy of Excellence has decided to change
the name of the club to honor our dear teacher, and furthermore, we decided to
set up a STEM scholarship named after Dr. An. I believe there will be more Chinese
and other Ethnic people as well as institutions will be involved. We have
received letters from the head of the FTC, and we also have received the attention
from many other club coaches, who specially arranged time to help us prepare
for the state competition. Mr. Zhu Ping, although Dr. An physically left us, you
are not alone. Your friends, Dr. An ’s friends, and everyone whose life had
been impacted, will surely continue Dr. An ’s unfinished business to comfort
her in the spirit of heaven. May God be with you, Dr. An! |