五校一家 同行致遠 交通大學美洲校友聯誼峰會 改 期 通 知 親愛的交通大學校友們, 很遺憾地通知大家,受新冠疫情影響,各母校代表團將無法參加原定於5月8-10日在
定,將另行通知。 謝謝已經註冊的校友們,所有註冊費用業已全額退還,請查收您的PayPal或信用卡
行社以為憑證。 很抱歉由於聯誼峰會改期給大家帶來的諸多不便,敬請校友們諒解。 謹祝校友們平安吉祥,期待明年在華府相聚! 第 12 屆校友聯誼峰會組委會
2020 年 2 月 24 日 Dear Chiao Tung / Jiao Tong Alumni, We are very sorry to inform you that the CTUAAA Board of Directors met over the weekend and
made the painful decision to postpone the 12th Grand Reunion of Chiao Tung Alumni to May or
October in 2021. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic in China and around the world, no delegations
from our alma maters will be able to travel to the US in near future. The new event date will be
announced separately once it is determined. Many thanks to those of you who have registered, your registration fees have been fully refunded
to your credit card or PayPal accounts. If you have purchased airline tickets and/or booked hotel
rooms, please contact the respective airlines and Hilton Hotel for cancellation. We believe that
the COVID-19 Pandemic can be considered as Force Majeure and you shall be able to negotiate
for a full refund. Sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that the rescheduling has caused you. We do hope to
see you at the Grand Reunion next year. Best wishes, The 12th CTUAAA Grand Reunion Committee |