议会批准1400万支持蒙郡企业复工援助项目 7月7日,蒙郡议会批准了一项1400万美金的特别拨款,以创建"蒙郡企业复工援助项目(Reopen Montgomery Business Assistance Program)",该计划将弥补蒙郡企业和非营利组织的复工费用,这些费用是遵循由于COVID-19公共健康危机而新制定的州和郡健康法规所产生的费用。这笔拨款的资金来自公共卫生紧急补助金(Public Health Emergency Grant funds)和联邦纾困法案(CARES Act)。 如果企业或非营利组织满足以下条件,则有资格从"蒙郡企业复工援助项目"中获得援助: • 地理位置仅在蒙郡内,或蒙郡内地点占公司员工总数的50%以上或公司销售总额的50%以上; • 雇用100名或更少的全职员工; • 未从蒙郡获得与COVID-19健康危机相关的复工费用的经济援助;并且 • 在2020年3月16日至蒙郡第三期复工后的30天之内,已产生了复工可弥补的费用; 复工可弥补费用是复工期间为遵循马州和蒙郡COVID-19健康法规而产生的支出。允许的费用包括但不限于以下各项:个人防护设备:制造防护屏、分隔物、保护区、非接触式支付系统等所用的材料; 清洁用品; 标牌; 户外家具以及一次性食品容器和餐具。 每个符合资格的企业和非营利组织可获得最高5,000美金的援助,以弥补复工费用。 该援助金将基于每个企业和非营利组织的实际可验的费用,并将通过滚动抽签系统进行监管。 美京华人活动中心(CCACC)秉承服务社区的一贯原则,在疫情期间开通新冠纾困信息咨询专线,为社区居民提供免费咨询帮助。对蒙郡企业复工援助项目有疑问或需要了解其他政府的纾困项目的居民,可致电CCACC新冠纾困信息咨询专线301-663-0983或301-820-7200分机8315,CCACC竭诚为您服务! (美京华人活动中心CCACC新闻小组整理节录) Council creates $14 million Reopen Montgomery Business Assistance Program Funding initiated by Councilmember Andrew Friedson and Council President Sidney Katz will help local employers offset reopening expenses ROCKVILLE, Md., July 7, 2020—Today the Montgomery County Council approved a special appropriation of $14 million to create the Reopen Montgomery Business Assistance Program, which will reimburse County businesses and non-profit organizations that incur reopening expenses to comply with new state and county health regulations due to the Covid-19 public health crisis. Funding for this appropriation comes from Public Health Emergency Grant funds and the federal CARES Act. The full Council sponsored this special appropriation, which was spearheaded by Councilmember Andrew Friedson and Council President Sidney Katz with the support of County Executive Marc Elrich. "Already hit hard by the public health crisis, businesses are spending thousands of dollars just to reopen," Councilmember Andrew Friedson said. "These business owners don't just employ our friends and neighbors. They are our friends and neighbors. Their businesses are crucial to our County's economy and quality of life and we must help them reopen safely to protect the health of their employees and customers." "Businesses and non-profits in Montgomery County have experienced tremendous financial hardship and the funds made available through this assistance program will go a long way to help them reopen," said Council President Katz. "The reopening process is not an easy one – but it is a necessary one so that we can do the very best job to ensure the health and well-being of our residents and of the employees of these businesses and non-profits." "These funds will provide much needed assistance to businesses and non-profits that are trying to reopen and return to some sense of normalcy," said County Executive Elrich. "Our businesses are an essential component of our economy, providing jobs and services for our residents and this new $14 million assistance program shows that we understand how difficult reopening is and will be. The program is another investment in our future as we work to stabilize our economy and our quality of life." A business or non-profit organization is eligible to receive assistance from the Reopen Montgomery Business Assistance Program if it: • has its physical locations only in the County or its County-based locations account for more than 50 percent of the business's total number of employees or 50 percent of the business's total sales; • employs 100 or less full-time-equivalent employees; • Has not received financial assistance from the County for reopening expenses related to the Covid-19 health crisis; and • has incurred reopening reimbursable expenditures between March 16, 2020 and 30 days following the County's Phase Three reopening. Reopening reimbursable expenditures are expenses incurred during reopening to comply with Maryland and Montgomery County Covid-19 health regulations. Allowable expenses include, but are not limited to, the following: personal protective equipment, materials to create barriers, dividers, protected areas, contactless payment systems, cleaning supplies, signage, outdoor furniture, and disposable food containers and utensils. Each eligible business and non-profit may be awarded up to $5,000 for reopening reimbursable expenditures. The award will be based on actual, verified expenses for each business and non-profit organization and will be administered through a rolling lottery system. For more information, the Council staff report can be viewed here. View all Council press releases: https://www2.montgomerycountymd.gov/mcgportalapps/press_List.aspx?id=01 Contact: Cindy Gibson240-777-7828, Cindy.Gibson@montgomerycountymd.gov Stay Connected: Council Website, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube , Instagram |