纽约侨界抗议蔡英文窜访美国 呼吁“要和平,反对毁灭台湾!” New York Overseas Chinese Protest against Tsai Ing-wen’s Visit and Call for “We want peace, not the destruction of Taiwan!”
3月29日,台湾地区领导人蔡英文借“出访”中美洲过境美国爲名,窜访美国纽约和加州部分地区,受到了全美侨胞坚决反对和强烈谴责。 On March 29th, Taiwan’s leader Tsai Ing-wen visited New York and parts of California under the disguise of a “trip” to Central America to transit the United States, which provoked strong opposition and condemnation of all overseas Chinese in America.
3月29日下午2点起,美国福建同乡会,美国福建联合总会、美国福建会馆、美国福建三山会馆、美国福建妇女友好联盟总会、美国福建侨联总会、纽约八闽联合总会、美国福建公所等社团代表就率先在蔡英文入住的纽约乐天皇宫酒店门口及相关街头拉出了“要和平,反對毀滅臺灣!”等中英文横幅并呼喊,以此抗议蔡英文窜访美国,以理性和平的方式表达对祖国统一、和平发展的强烈愿望。 On March 29th at 2pm EST, to protest Tsai Ing-wen’s visit and express their strong desire for the reunification of the motherland and peaceful development, representatives of Fujian American Association, Fujian Consolidated Benevolent Association USA, Fujian Association in USA, Fujian Foundation in USA Inc, FuJian Sanshan Association of the United States, United Fujiangese American Women Friendship Association Inc, United Overseas Fujianese Association of America, US Bamin Center of New York Inc, United Fujianese of American and other associations displayed banners in English and Chinese, including “We want peace, not the destruction of Taiwan!”, in front of the Lotte Palace Hotel where Tsai stayed and neighboring streets in New York.
世界上有一个中国,蔡英文将以“过境”窜访美国,并与美国国会众议院议长等见面,此举对两岸关系是火上浇油,是将台湾推向险境。蔡英文的美国之行会加剧引发中美两国外交紧张的进一步升级。 纽约中国和统会会长焦圣安表示:“和平统一,一个中国”是全球华人华侨的共同心愿,并将不惜一切代价维护中国的和平统一”。美国福州十邑同乡会主席林天欢说:“我们海外华人华侨坚决反对“台独”,希望两岸和平统一,不要战争。大家都是中国人,中国人不打中国人。台湾自古以来就是中国不可分割的一部分,蔡英文搞“台独”,我们绝不答应。和平统一、一个中国是全球华人华侨的共同心愿。”美国福建联合总会荣誉主席李贵明、美国福建侨联总会主席陈键榕等许多侨领也纷纷表达反对蔡英文窜访美国,将继续团结一致,共同反对各种形式的“台独”言行的观点。(林云) There is one China in the world. Tsai’s “transit” visit to the United Sates is adding fuel to the fire of cross-strait relations and pushing Taiwan into danger. Her visit would trigger and exacerbate diplomatic tensions between China and the United States. Jiao Shengan, the Chairman of China Council for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification said, “‘Peaceful Reunification, One China’ is the common wish of the global Chinese and we will do whatever it takes to maintain it.” Lin Tianhuan, the President of Fuzhou Association of USA said, “We hope peaceful reunification of the two sides of Taiwan Strait instead of wars. We are all Chinese. We Chinese should unite, not divide. Taiwan has been part of China since ancient times. We overseas Chinese will never approve if Tsai Ing-wen insists in Taiwan independence. As overseas compatriots, ‘Peaceful Reunification, One China’ is our common wish.” Many other representatives like Li Guiming, Honorary President of Fujian Consolidated Benevolent Association USA, Chen Jianrong, the President of United Overseas Fujianese Association of America also expressed their their opposition to Tsai Ing-wen’s visit and their will to continue to stand united against all forms of “Taiwan Independence”. (Lin Yun) |