各位亲爱的TCFA协会成员和华府地区的朋友们: 全美华人金融协会( The Chinese Finance Association, TCFA) 诚挚地邀请您参加第二届(2015)华府华人高尔夫球邀请赛及晚宴。夏秋交替的华府,正是风和日丽最值回味的时节,让我们以球会友,共享午后的暖阳,缔结 深厚友谊!同时本届邀请赛依然准备了丰厚奖品,奖杯,和颁奖仪式,值得期待!就等你的到来啦~ 请感兴趣的朋友8月16日前报名。 慈善公益: 本次活动致力于慈善公益事业,旨在帮助丧偶家庭及提升从业创业者的健康生活方式。本次邀请赛所得也将用于资助已故前国际货币基金组织职员Mr.Zhao的太太以及两个女儿。 特别鸣谢: 科锐国际以及绿庭投资集团对本次高尔夫球邀请赛及晚宴的赞助和大力支持。 时间:2015年8月23日(周日) 2pm-高尔夫球赛 (18洞) 6:30pm-晚宴 地点: 1757 Golf Club, 45120 Waxpool Rd, Sterling, VA 20166 报名链接: 选项: 优惠价 原价 A:高尔夫球赛(包括晚宴) $70 $75 (注:优惠价以8月9日截止) 奖品: 1. 高尔夫比赛:杆数最低的小组将获得精美高质量的高尔夫球衣或球具。 着装: 1.高尔夫球赛 :正规运动服(由于是户外运动,建议佩戴太阳镜及遮阳设备) 2.晚宴:休闲装即可 比赛赛制: 本次比赛采用队式混合赛(Scramble)形式,即四人为一队,每人每杆起点皆为上一杆全队最优球落点,直至完成18洞。(比赛时间大约是4小时。混合赛形式适合处于打球不同阶段的朋友一起参与,所以不论你是初下场地的还是专业选手都欢迎参加我们的比赛!报名时请标注自己的大概水平或Handicap,以及是否需要租用球具)请注意比赛规则会在未来再做出调整。 晚宴是丰盛的南部烧烤式自助餐 菜单如下: 1. Smoked Pulled Pork 2. BBQ Chicken Breasts 3. Rolls, Assorted Cheese, Crisp lettuce, Sliced Tomatoes, Red Onion & Condiments 4. Macaroni & Cheese, Cole Slaw and Baked Beans 5. Fresh Backed Assorted Cookies, Brownie Platter 5. Drink: Water, Lemonade & Fresh Brewed Iced Tea 2. TCFA DC 中文简介: 全美华人金融协会(The Chinese Finance Association, as known as TCFA)成立于1994年,总部设在美国纽约, 是一个旨在为在美从事金融行业的华人提供一个信息共享和促进职业发展平台的非盈利性组织。通过举办国际金融会议和接待旅美的中国代表团等诸多活动,本协会为中美之间金融界的交流起到了不可或缺的桥梁作用。TCFA的华盛顿分会是目前大华府地区成员最广泛,交流最活 跃的金融业协会。TCFA华盛顿分会的约450个会员来自大华府地区各重量级金融机构,包括世界银行,国际货币基金组织,国际金融公司, 房利美,房地美,美国联邦储备银行,美国证监会, 第一资本银行, 富国银行各主要 商业银行,普华永道, 德勤, 安永, 毕马威等会计师事务,以及对冲基金,律师事务所,各大高校和科研机构。TCFA华盛顿分会通过举办形式丰富多样的活动,不断促进华府地区华人金融圈信息共享和人际网 络拓展。 如果希望了解TCFA和它的华盛顿DC分会的详细内容,通过TCFA官方网站: http://www.tcfaglobal.org/ 赞助商: 特别感谢科锐国际以及绿庭投资集团对本次高尔夫球邀请赛及晚宴的赞助和大力支持。 赞助商介绍 科锐国际 作为亚洲领先的整体人才管理服务商,北京科锐国际人力资源股份有限公司成立于1996年,在中国大陆、香港、印度、新加坡、马来西亚、印尼、菲律宾、泰国等区域拥有40家分支机构,1,000余名专业招聘顾问,在超过18个行业与领域中为客户提供中高端猎头、招聘流程外包、岗位外包、营销外包、校园招聘、培训、招聘咨询等解决方案。科锐国际已与1,500余家跨国集团、国内上市公司、快速成长性企业及非盈利组织建立长期合作关系。在过去的一年中,科锐国际成功为企业推荐的中高级管理及专业技术职位超过20,000名,全风险灵活用工人次超过20,000。详情请登录www.careerintlinc.com 绿庭投资集团 上海绿庭投资控股集团股份有限公司(绿庭投资集团)是一家中国A、B股上市公司。公司创建于1985年,于1993年 第一次发行股票。经过多年资产整合与业务推进,目前已转型成为创新型中国资本全球配置的投资者与管理者。绿庭集团积极运用各类投融资方式,满足不同合作伙 伴、投资人和客户的投资需求及风控要求。绿庭投资长期关注房地产金融产品,同时把握互联网金融、新三板、养老健康领域及消费升级领域的投资机会。在深刻理 解本土市场的基础上,抓住中国产业结构调整及消费需求升级带来的投资机会,积极参与并帮助优秀企业的发展与价值提升,促进国内资本分享境外资产升值及多样 获得投资机会。详情请登录www.greencourtinvestment.com. 西庭资本: 绿庭投资集团在华府的地产投资基金 西庭资本是一家坐落于华盛顿特区的私募股权投资公司,公司专注于以美国东北走廊和美国首府为主的地产投资。我们不同于其他投资管理公司的关键在于我们将投资管理经验与价值创造能力(来源于对不同资产类别及处于不同房地产周期的多年亲身开发和管理经验)结合在一起。详情请登录http://w-gcapital.com. Dear TCFA members and DC Area friends: TCFA DC cordially invites you to attend 2nd (2015) Washington DC Chinese Golf Tournament and Dinner on 8/23/2015 (Sunday). In Washington DC, during this charming season, let's play together and enjoy our friendship! We welcome you to attend any of the following events. Please register before August 16th, 2015 by click the following link! Charity Event: The event has a Charity Course to help a family that just lost the Dad while promoting healthy lifestyle among professionals or business owners. The Tournament is part of Charity Course for, a former IMF employee Mr.Zhao’s widow and their two daughters. Registration link: Premier Game:http://www.tcfaglobal.org/index.php/en/events/details/139-2015-washington-dc-chinese-golf-tournament-and-dinner.html Superior Lesson:http://www.tcfaglobal.org/index.php/en/events/details/140-2015-washington-dc-chinese-golf-tournament-and-dinner.html Date: 8/23/2015 (Sunday). Time: a. Golf Tee Time: 2:00pm. b. Dinner: 6:30pm Location: 1757 Golf Club (45120 Waxpool Rd, Sterling, VA 20166)
Options: Early Bird Regular • Premier Game (18-Hole Game + Dinner) $70 $75 Prize: a. Golf Game: Golf Club, Shoes and Attire for the best team with least strokes. Tiebreak hole will be selected on the event day. Best player of tied team will be in the tiebreak competition. b. Dinner Lottery: Grand prizes will be announced during dinner based on lottery number chosen by dinner participants. Cups and Medals plus prizes to be disclosed at the prize award ceremony: Dress Code: a. Golf: Golf Attire b. Dinner: Casual Event Description: Golf: Scramble Game – A team of four players will hit a ball from the tee. Each member of the team then hits his next shot from the best landing position of these four shots. All four players put from the spot where the closest approach shot to the hole ended up. This format continues over 18 holes. Any levels of golf players are welcomed to join the tournament. The tournament will last approximately 4 hours, if you are interested in playing, please RSVP and indicate your handicap(or your overall golfing game playing experience - Beginner, intermediate, etc) at COMPANY area at registration page. Please also indicate if you need rental clubs or rides during registration. (*It's open to more updates) Dinner: Southwest BBQ Buffet - Please review the following dinner menu! 1. Smoked Pulled Pork 2. BBQ Chicken Breasts 3. Rolls, Assorted Cheese, Crisp lettuce, Sliced Tomatoes, Red Onion & Condiments 4. Macaroni & Cheese, Cole Slaw and Baked Beans 5. Fresh Backed Assorted Cookies, Brownie Platter 5. Drink: Water, Lemonade & Fresh Brewed Iced Tea We look forward to seeing you at this exciting event! TCFA DC Management Team Sponsorship: We give special thanks to, Career International Inc., and Shanghai Greencourt Investment Group, for supporting 2015 Washington DC Chinese Golf Tournament and Dinner, held by TCFA DC Chapter. Your sponsorship helped raise significant funds to this event and make more people aware of the work we do. About Career International Inc.: As the leading total talent solution provider in Asia, Career International established in 1996, has over 1,000 professional recruitment consultants working in more than 40 offices in mainland China, Hong Kong, India, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippine and Thailand, offering executive search, recruitment process outsourcing (RPO), flexible staffing, sales & marketing outsourcing, campus recruitment, training and talent acquisition consulting etc for customers across 18 fields and industries. We have established long-term cooperation with over 2,000 multinational corporations, domestic listed companies, fast-growing companies and non-profit organizations. Over the past year alone, we have successfully recommended more than 20,000 senior management, professional and technical employees, and over 20,000 times of total-risk flexible staffing. For more information, please visit www.careerintlinc.com.
Shanghai Greencourt Investment Group Co., Ltd. (“Greencourt Investment Group”) is a publicly traded company on the Shanghai Stock Exchange with both Class A and B (Class A: 600695 & Class B: 900919). The company was founded in 1985 and issued its first IPOs in 1993. Greencourt Investment Group actively uses various targeted and flexible strategies to finance and invest in projects that meet the dynamic investment needs of our partners, investors, and clients. The group has a specific focus on real estate related financial securities and derivatives, and is also deeply involved in rising industries in China, such as internet finance, OTC trading, senior healthcare, etc. Based on the deep understanding of the Chinese market, Greencourt Investment Group embraces the opportunities that are driven by the Chinese industry structure shift, as well as the change of consumer demands. It also proactively participates and assists in the growth of potential star companies in order to further diversify the companies’ investment portfolios. For more information, please visit www.greencourtinvestment.com. |