高材生分享經驗 潘聖達(Justin Pan)在美國出生,是Richard Montgomery High School IB班的畢業生。他在學校擔任多個社團的負責人, 閆明華(Hana Yen),馬州Winston Churchill高中畢業。高中4年服務於學生會,擔任主席。 楊鑫卉(Helen Yang)於今年六月從蒙郡Richard Montgomery高中的國際文憑課程畢業。楊鑫卉興趣廣泛, Daisy Xu(徐佳蕾) graduated from Walter Johnson high school in the top 5% of her class. Passionate about French culture. She founded a homework tutoring club at a local middle school to promote cultural learning in the community. She was also vice president of the Math Honors society, and member of the Science Olympiad team, which won first place in the Maryland state finals. In January of her senior year, she founded the Bethesda Trio, which has put on community performances for senior living homes and hospital patients. In the fall, she will attend Dartmouth College to pursue a degree in biomedical engineering.Jane Chung 梁翠月 Media/Facility Manager 文宣/場地總管 Tel: 301-820-7185 (專線) Chinese Culture and Community Service Center, Inc. 美京華人活動中心 (CCACC) 9366 Gaither Road, Gaithersburg, MD 20877 E-Fax: 240-823-6060 Website: www.ccacc-dc.org |