卡梅伦脸书头像P假花被抓包 网友恶搞玩坏罂粟花
David Cameron has been ridiculed online after Downing Street was caught photoshopping a fake over-sized poppy onto a picture of the Prime Minister and using it as an official Facebook picture. 人们发现英国首相戴维·卡梅伦(David Cameron)胸前佩戴罂粟花的一张照片里,那朵大得离谱的罂粟花是官方PS上去的假花,而且唐宁街还将这张照片设置为首相脸书(Facebook)官方主页的头像。卡梅伦因此成了网民嘲笑揶揄的对象。 PS前后对比图 Hilarious memes poking fun at the Downing Street blunder swamped the internet Monday evening after eagle-eyed Facebook users noticed the picture on Number 10s official page appeared doctored. 11月2日晚,眼神犀利的脸书用户发现,唐宁街10号官方主页的头像有修图之嫌。各种取笑唐宁街这一失态的恶搞版本随后铺天盖地地席卷了互联网。 The image, originally posted online without a poppy two years ago, was manipulated using computer trickery to add the Remembrance symbol onto the left lapel of the Prime Ministers navy blue suit. 两年前传到网上的照片上本是没有罂粟花的。但经过电脑修图后,纪念国殇日的象征、一朵罂粟花出现在了卡梅伦海军蓝西服上衣的左侧翻领上。 As well as recycling an old picture and doctoring it to include the red poppy, users also noticed the commemorative emblem appeared to be larger than in real-life and highly pixelated. 脸书用户不仅发现政府翻出老照片再利用、在上面P了一朵红色的罂粟花,他们还注意到这个纪念日的象征物似乎比真正的罂粟花要大、像素也很渣。 (文字:我觉得我们所有人都应该为今天晚上在这里取得的成就而骄傲#最伟大的一代) Fans also noticed the original poppy-free image, which was first uploaded in Novr 2013, still remained in the online gallery of Downing Streets official Facebook page. 粉丝们还发现,没有罂粟花的原始图片最早上传于2013年11月,在卡梅伦脸书官方主页的网上相册里仍然可以找到。 The move was branded disrespectful and foolish by war veterans and the public. 退伍老兵和公众都斥责此举“不敬”、“愚蠢”。 One user said: A blatant and pretty rushed photoshop job there! 一位用户表示:“这个P图痕迹太明显,P得也太仓促了吧!” Another wrote: That poppy is as fake as your care for the strivers who get up at 8am every day and work and provide. Fire your graphic designer and your cabinet. 另一位用户写道:“这朵罂粟花跟你所谓的对‘那些每天早上8点起床、努力工作养家的人们’的关心一样假。炒了你的图片设计师和整个内阁吧!” Another moaned: Is photoshopping an unrealistic looking poppy onto a profile pic really respecting the countrys fallen? 还有用户抱怨道:“在头像图片上P一朵假里假气的罂粟花真是对那些为国捐躯的烈士的尊重吗?” And another joked: Its one of the new hover poppies, its 2015 after all. 还有人开玩笑道:“这是一种全新的悬浮罂粟花,毕竟现在都是2015年了。” (文字:唐宁街10号给卡梅伦的旧照P上一个poppy的首次拙劣尝试更惨烈。图片上是大力水手Popeye) The obvious photoshop job also sparked a wave of comical internet memes, which poked fun at the gaffe by Downing Street officials. 唐宁街的拙劣修图之举还引发了一波网络恶搞,取笑唐宁街官员们的失态。 (文字:得亏他们没选第一版修图方案!) One saw David Camerons face photoshopped onto a large poppy, another showed the PM covered in hundreds of poppies and others showed spoofs including one of him with TV character Popeye and another with rapper Drake. 有张图将卡梅伦的脸P到了一朵大大的罂粟花上,另一张图上首相身上P了数百朵罂粟花,还有张图将卡梅伦和电视角色大力水手波佩(Popeye)P在一起,还有一张卡梅伦与说唱歌手德雷克的PS“合照”,各种恶搞齐出。 (文字:这是一朵戴着P上去的卡梅伦徽章的罂粟花) Downing Street later deleted the photograph from its Facebook page, and changed the profile picture to a recent image of the Prime Minister wearing an actual poppy. 唐宁街后来从脸书主页删掉了这张照片,将头像换成了一张首相佩戴着真的罂粟花的近照。 (文字:我“一点儿”都没看出来首相那张罂粟花照片是修过的。大家不应该 妄下结论。) Vojtch Greger responded: Good thing you changed it for an actual photo with a poppy, the previous photoshop attempt was a disaster. 沃伊捷赫·格雷格(Vojtch Greger)回复道:“还好你们换上了一张戴着罂粟花的真照片,之前那张修出来的图真是个灾难”。 David J. Towns said: Thank goodness you got rid of that dreadful photoshop job! Much better. 大卫·J·汤斯(David J. Towns)表示:“谢天谢地!你们可算是换掉了那张糟透了的PS照!这张好多了!” And another user added: Im a fan of Mr Cameron, but frankly this episode was bizarre. 另一位用户说道:“我是卡梅伦先生的粉丝,但说实话这一出闹剧真是让人无法理解”。 Hes been out and about all week sporting a poppy, so why not take the opportunity to have a genuine photo?“他这一周都戴着罂粟花在外参加各种活动,为什么不趁机拍张真照片呢?” Downing Streetofficials later confirmed the photograph had been removed from the site, blaming the ordeal on a technical oversight. 唐宁街官员随后证实已经从脸书主页删除了这张图片,并将这场风波归咎于“技术疏漏”。 |