12月12日晚,经过13天的谈判,各方在巴黎气候变化大会终于达成一致,来自196个国家的谈判代表通过了历史性的《巴黎协议》,这是继1997年《京都议定书》之后国际社会在全球应对气候变化方面达成的最重要的国际协议。 The historic Paris agreement on climate change was finally adopted with no objection on Saturday by the 196 Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) during the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties (COP21) hosted by France. 中国气候变化事务特别代表解振华12日表示,巴黎气候变化大会上通过的抗击全球变暖的协定是“公平合理”、“富有雄心”的。他说:"我们做出了对子孙后代负责的正确抉择,应该说巴黎协定在遏制气候变化问题上迈出了一大步。" " The Paris Climate Conference is a crucial point in the global climate governance process. The outcome has a bearing with the undertaking of climate change of the human being and our future of sustainable development," China's Special Representative on Climate Change Xie Zhenhua said after the adoption of the Paris agreement. 解振华讲到,中国作为一个负责任的发展中国家,将会根据国情、发展形势以及实际能力承担相应的国际义务,为应对全球气候变化做出贡献。 Xie stressed that China, as a responsible developing country, will take international obligations commensurate with its own national condition, development stage and actual capacity. 解振华指出,协议虽然不尽完美,但这并不妨碍我们向前走出历史性的一步,"一分纲领,九分落实,下一步的关键任务是落实,希望各方积极落实巴黎会议成果,为巴黎协议的生效实施做好准备。" " Although the agreement is not perfect, it does not stop us from moving a historical step forwards," Xie said, calling on developed countries to abide by their promises to provide finance, technology development and transfer, and capacity building to developing countries. 解振华表示,中方将主动承担与自身国情、发展阶段和实际能力相符的国际义务,继续兑现2020年前应对气候变化行动目标,积极落实自主贡献,努力争取尽早达峰,并与各方一道努力,按照公约的各项原则,推动《巴黎协定》的实施,推动建立合作共赢的全球气候治理体系。 " China is willing to work together with all Parties, in accordance with the principles of the UNFCCC, towards implementing the Paris Agreement and establishing a global climate governance system for win-win cooperation," Xie affirmed. |