华人土木工程师恭喜川普当选,敦促履行投资基础设施的竞选诺言 以下是土木沙龙(Chinese American Civil Engineers Society)关于选举唐纳德·特朗普为下一任美国总统的通讯 土木沙龙(Chinese American Civil Engineers Society)祝贺川普当选第四十五任总统,并敦促他迅速采取 川普总统建议投资1万亿美元用于基础设施的建设,以缩小同部分发 The following is a statement by Chinese American CivilEngineers Society (CACES), on the election of Donald J. Trump as the nextPresident of the United States: Chinese American Civil Engineers Society (CACES)congratulates President-elect Trump upon his election and urges prompt actionon his ambitious plan to repair and to modernize our nation's infrastructureand foster economic growth. Infrastructure is the very backbone of our nation'seconomy, yet a recent study found that the U.S. is on track to invest only halfof what is needed in infrastructure over the next decade. A continued failureto act will result in significant consequences for our economy and for Americanfamilies, who would lose $3,400 a year due to aging infrastructure. President-elect Trump's proposed $1 trillion investment ininfrastructure represents an important step toward closing the investment gapto raise the grade and achieve a globally competitive American infrastructuresystem fit for the 21st century. CACES calls on President-elect Trump and the115th Congress to prioritize infrastructure repair, replacement, andmodernization, to improve our economy, public health, and safety, so that everyfamily, community, and business can thrive. |