这个世界只有三个国家是最重要的, 他们分别是以色列, 中国和美国. 只有以色列和中国是以人为主和以人为本, 美国是以钱为本. 以色列(犹太教)是世界上最古老的教(至今已有5774年历史), 中国是世界上人口最多的(至今已有5000多年历史), 犹太人和中国人是极小甚至反对和异族通婚的, 所以才保持至今这么纯和这么长久. 美国(至今237多年历史)是世界上最有钱和最先进的, 它只顾赚钱和搞高科技, 什么都不理, 反正人灭了, 死了有新移民替上, 甚至可以以物取替人. 全世界(除了以色列和中国之外)很快就要变成和美国一样了, 以钱和物质为本, 当然美国仍旧是最有钱最发达的. 过去, 现在和将来都是这样, 犹太人讲的是信仰(为正义而战), 中国人讲的是心(为团结而奋斗), 而美国人讲的是利益(为满足个人物质需要而活). 犹太人的责任是保存犹太教(只信Talmud/Torah),中国人的责任是保存中国人种(中国五十六个民族的混合体),美国人和其它国家的责任是保持美金的稳定和科技领先(美元最值钱和美国科技论文最多). 世界的大同就是靠这三个国家支撑着的, 互不能取代但又共同存在. 大同世界将持续一千年, 然后此三个国家的模式将会在另外一个星球上复制, 生命将会生生不息地延续下去.
1)以色列:耶路撒冷, 特拉维夫
"The answer is in the Torah(Genesis 2:10-14). From what I learned from Rabbi Dov Bar-Leib and other sources, I guess this is what happens:
The first river has gold and the gold is good. This gold symbolizes Israel(Jerusalem of gold or practice of Mitzvahs), good means kosher. Israel is kosher and the spiritual center of the world(5770 years history to this day), Judaism demonstrates how to conduct righteous relationship between human beings.
The first river also has crystal and the onyx stone. The stones symbolize China(about 5000 years history), the most populous country on earth. It shows how to form unity among human beings.
The second, third and forth rivers represent the USA(233 years history), the wealthiest country on earth. It teaches the world how to make money. Since creating wealth is a necessity, but not holy, it is not mentioned what is in those 3 rivers, they are actually oil(with oil, you can make anything).
Although all four rivers have the same origin, the first river doesn't join the other rivers, that is why intermarriage with non-Jews and non-Chinese is not required and not needed.
The USA has the least human involvement(e.g. vending machine, ATM machine, online payment system....), the rest of the world(except Israel and China) is copy of USA or mini USA.
As you already notice, no one country can have it all(soul, heart and interest), but Israel, China and USA are interdependent of each other, to bring the world into the messianic age per Talmud/Torah.
Yes, there will be world war before the messianic age(so to produce the permanent imprint in history that peace and harmony is hard-earned). After that, there will still be nations and borders, but nations will be kinder, more truthful and selfless toward each others.
The messianic age will last 1000 years, this world model will be copied to another planet and the cycle of life continues into eternity."
The world's most important cities(even during the messianic era):
1)Israel: Yerushalayim, Tel Aviv
2)China: Beijing, Shanghai, GuangZhou, Hongkong
3)USA: Los Angeles