- [03/14]润物细无声 不拘一格教汉语
润物细无声 不拘一格教汉语-高健 无论是我们这些自己做中文老师的, 还是做中文学校管理的义工们,无不希望我们的学生时刻保持着对中文学习的浓厚兴趣, 拥有高昂的中文学习热情, 但身边的现实并非都令我们满意。 ...
2015-3-4 11:58
- [04/06-04/10]龍林春、夏令營用中華古老智慧紓解現代人困境
龍林春、夏令營用中華古老智慧紓解現代人困境 激發思考力與EQ 為學生量身打造教材與進度 以柔克剛,防霸凌並增強反應力 [經典]是人類古老智慧的結晶。在人類歷史發展的過程中,許多人類智慧的結晶被沉澱了下來, ...
2015-2-24 13:01
- [03/03]信息技术和创新基金会 | 美中两国的百年马拉松
China’s Hundred Year Marathon with the United States Information Technology and Innovation FoundationDate / Time Tuesday, Mar 3, 2015 9:00 am - 10:30 amLocation Information Technology and Innovatio ...
2015-2-20 15:56
- [02/24]霍普金斯大学SAIS | 社会责任或发展责任?在非中国投资的社会和环境责任
IDEV/CARI Seminar: Social Responsibility or Development Responsibility? The Social and Environmental impact of Chinese Investments in Africa Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies For ...
2015-2-20 15:53
- [03/04]霍普金斯大学SAIS | 反腐败向我们传递了中国政治的什么信息?
The SAIS China Forum Presents Dr. Joseph Fewsmith Professor, Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies Boston University on “What Does Fighting Corruption Teach Us about Chinese Politics” Wedn ...
2015-2-20 12:04
- [03/01]介紹說明会--新世界雙語學院蜚聲國際希望大使,2015暑假两週跨洋助學之旅, 敬 ...
敬请出席--点心招待!介紹說明会--新世界雙語學院蜚聲國際希望大使,2015暑假两週跨洋助學之旅,新世界雙語學院蜚聲國際希望大使,2015暑假两週跨洋助學之旅为参与者创写一生荣耀,3月1日介紹說明会世界第一國際认证 ...
2015-2-19 09:48
- [06/23-08/14]希望中文学校隆重推出“2015希望-大乐园夏令营”
希望中文学校隆重推出“2015希望-大乐园夏令营”于冬 本报讯 2015年暑假,希望中文学校将汇集七校区之力,精心打造海外第一流中文夏令营。首次推出的“2015希望-大乐园夏令营”,势将成为大华府地区青少年2015年暑期 ...
2015-2-18 11:35
- [02/27]布鲁金斯学会 | 中国安全和外交政策:比较美国和日本的观点
China's security and foreign policies: Comparing American and Japanese perspectives February 27, 20159:00 AM - 12:00 PM ESTBrookings InstitutionWashington, DC Register to Attend Register for Webcas ...
2015-2-13 19:06
- [02/26]美日研究所 | 中国的习近平政府:成就及挑战的评估
Event 6: China's Xi Jinping Administration: An Assessment of Achievements and Challenges Date and Time Feb. 26 (Thu.) 10:00am-11:30am Venue Conference Room, East-West Center in Washington 1819 L St ...
2015-2-13 19:03
- [02/24]国际发展协会 | 北京二十年:性别、权力和决策
Tue Feb 24, 2015 12:30 PM The Gender and Inclusive Development Workgroup Presents: Beijing+20: Gender, Power and Decision-Making Tuesday, February 24, 201512:30 - 2:00 PMNational Democratic Institu ...
2015-2-13 18:51
- [02/19]图书签售《满洲:一个叫垃圾场的村落和中国农村的转变》
Michael Meyer - In Manchuria: A Village Called Wasteland and the Transformation of Rural ChinaFeb 19 2015 7:00 pmIn The Last Days of Old Beijing Meyer brought urban Chinese traditions to life on the v ...
2015-2-13 18:45
- [03/03]马州贺华德郡系列儿童护养培训活动
Howard County Office of Children’s Services Offers Parenting Workshops for Families of School Aged ChildrenThe Family Institute presents workshops for parents and guardians raising children and adole ...
2015-2-12 12:49
- [03/01]美中实验学校2015夏令营开始报名
美中实验学校2015夏令营开始报名“红红的太阳爬上坡,小鸟在歌唱……”,参加过美中实验学校夏令营的小朋友们都很熟悉这首《夏令营之歌》。正像歌词里唱的那样,在美中实验学校夏令营里,孩子们写字、画画、唱歌、游 ...
2015-2-11 10:37
- [02/17]美国和平研究所USIP | 亚洲会议:中国在中东日渐重要的角色
Asia Conference: China's Emerging Role in the Middle East China’s emerging role in the Middle East is expanding in tandem with Beijing’s burgeoning economic, political, and to a lesser extent, mil ...
2015-2-6 12:18
- [02/11]乔治城大学 | 演讲:能源革命?中东、美国和中国的页岩油政治生态学
Keynote: An Energy Revolution? The Political Ecologies of Shale Oil in the Middle East, US, and China Wednesday, February 11 at 6:00pm Edward B. Bunn, S.J. Intercultural Center, Bunn Auditori ...
2015-2-6 12:14