分类: 公园 This huge park has lots of climbing structures, slides, mazes, play houses, swings, a Cinderella\'s pumpkin carriage, airplane, and cars to climb on. Other feat...... [查看详细信息] |
分类: 公园 Call 1-888-432-CAMP(2267) for reservations
Directions - Cunningham Falls is located west of Thurmont MD, 18 miles north of Frederick MD.
From the Baltimor...... [查看详细信息] |
分类: 公园 Park with playgrounds, picnic areas, hiking and biking trails, Watkins Nature Center, the Chesapeake Carousel, Old Maryland Farm, the Watkins Regional Park mini...... [查看详细信息] |
分类: 公园 “杜邦花园” 又称“长木公园” - Longwood Guardens, 位于费城与威明顿之间。
长木公园与杜邦公司的渊源要追溯到近一百年前。长木公园在1798年起,在地主Peirce 兄弟的刻意搜集下,在一个小的植物园里栽种了许多珍贵的树木,而成为一个著名的公园。1906年,当时的杜邦公司总裁Pierr...... [查看详细信息] |
分类: 公园
From Washington, DC:
* Take I-295 South for approximately 5.5 miles.
* Take National Harbor Exit 1B
From Maryland:
* Merge onto I-495 S ...... [查看详细信息] |
分类: 公园 Location
Great Falls Park is accessible from both sides of the Potomac River. The Virginia park is located at 9200 Old Dominion Drive, McLean, Virginia.
The...... [查看详细信息] |