分类: 公园 Call 1-888-432-CAMP(2267) for reservations
Directions - Cunningham Falls is located west of Thurmont MD, 18 miles north of Frederick MD.
From the Baltimor...... [查看详细信息] |
分类: 滑雪场 距离华盛顿两个半小时车程。
From Washington/Baltimore
Take 495 Beltway to Exit 49 (I-66W).
Follow about 1 hour to I-81 South.
Follow I-81S for about 1 h...... [查看详细信息] |
分类: 滑雪场 西弗吉尼亚滑雪场,距离DC四个半小时车程。
Snowshoe has plenty of updates this year, including a new 27-acre terrain park with five freestyle areas. There’s also a new Columbia s...... [查看详细信息] |
分类: 博物馆 史密森学会是世界上最大的博物馆与美术馆联合会,拥有全球数量最多丶规模最大的博物馆群落。该学会创始人詹姆斯·史密森(1765—1829)是一位英国科学家,从未到过美国,但他生前立下遗嘱,将自己的全部积蓄捐赠给美利坚合众国这个他认为最有创造活力和发展前途的新国家,并指定在华盛顿成立史密森学会,以增进和传播科学知识。刚 刚独...... [查看详细信息] |
分类: 海滩 ...... [查看详细信息] |
分类: 博物馆 杰弗逊纪念堂免费向公众开放。每日上午八时至午夜十二时均可参观。
每年四月,纪念馆旁的潮汐湖畔樱花盛开,配上湖中纪念馆的倒影,景色十分秀丽。...... [查看详细信息] |
分类: 赌场 ...... [查看详细信息] |
分类: 公园
Shorefield Area - Turn onto Shorefield Road from Georgia Avenue
Glenallan Area - Turn onto Glenallan Avenue from Kemp Mill Road or Randolph Road
Or...... [查看详细信息] |
分类: 公园 Park with playgrounds, picnic areas, hiking and biking trails, Watkins Nature Center, the Chesapeake Carousel, Old Maryland Farm, the Watkins Regional Park mini...... [查看详细信息] |
分类: 滑雪场 宾州滑雪场,距DC大约一个半小时车程
Since 2010, Whitetail has invested $2.8 million in various updates to its ski facilities. Most exciting is the all-new ski equipment avail...... [查看详细信息] |