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陈氏汽车钣金烤漆 A Quality Auto Body & Paint
19人参与点评 38116人查阅  [报告错误]
分类: 汽车维修
电话: 301-585-3600, 301-585-6977
传真: 301-585-6977
查找路线: 2325 Perkins PL, Silver Spring, MD 20910


总体评价 非常好 一般 非常差
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[网友IP: *.*.18.146]
发布时间: 2021-07-01 18:55:07
[网友IP: *.*.180.118]
发布时间: 2017-04-24 13:46:50
A Quality Auto Body is awesome and I highly recommend them.. AQUALITY helped get my car back to 100% for a good price with quick service.!!
[网友IP: *.*.180.118]
发布时间: 2017-04-24 13:43:19
一直在寻找大华府地区好的修车师傅, 很多广告上的店实际上并不复实, 工时又高修的又一般, 即使4S店也是良莠不齐, 真心强烈推荐陈师傅这里, 老板很可爱很亲切,说话很实在, 尤其像我这样的汽车小白,找到靠谱的车行是多重要的事情,真是毫无疑问的五星满分!!
[网友IP: *.*.180.118]
发布时间: 2017-04-24 13:39:16
The best body shop in DMV area! I can't rave enough about this great company.saw the great reviews already for A Quality Auto body and decided to give them a call. From helping me get my car to their shop, to giving me realistic estimates, to giving me a ride to pick up my car and to having it done in 7 Days.I just can't stop saying how grateful I am for them and how MUCH I appreciate everything they've done. I highly recommend them!!
[网友IP: *.*.180.118]
发布时间: 2017-04-24 13:33:56
之前车被撞, 在北维州的 NOVA BODY SHOP 估价超过7000! 陈师傅只收了4000 ,车子修的全新一样!而且对比两家的维修单, 维修项目完全一致,甚至更细, 只是差在的工时和labor fee, 完全的良心商家啊, 而且手艺比美国店里的师傅不知道要高出多少! 钣金修车真的要认准中国师傅啊! 手艺绝对是老外没法比的!!
[网友IP: *.*.180.118]
发布时间: 2017-04-24 13:29:34
不明白楼下为什么这么说 ,公道的讲 , 陈先生真的是我见过的最好的修车师傅!有一说一 有二说二。 完全替顾客考虑 ,修车水平一流,工时计算合理,真真的是大华府地区最良心的车行!强烈推荐!!
[网友IP: *.*.88.35]
发布时间: 2017-01-03 21:03:38
[网友IP: *.*.68.10]
发布时间: 2013-03-13 12:38:28
The Chinese manager is bad, greedy, and unprofessional. Don't be a fool to take your car in his garage. Never!
[网友IP: *.*.251.91]
发布时间: 2013-01-17 18:12:34
No quality! High price! Very slow! Greedy manager!
[网友IP: *.*.68.17]
发布时间: 2013-01-11 11:48:06
The manager is dishonest and unprofessional. Don\\'t be silly to pay extra cost in his garage.
[网友IP: *.*.68.10]
发布时间: 2012-12-20 09:04:32
Don't even wanna comment on this place. No quality! And why is it named Quality??? I would order the guy to close it, to cheat people no longer, if I had such power.
[网友IP: *.*.68.10]
发布时间: 2012-12-20 09:00:31
The trick the manager attracts customers is to offer low price for your auto problem. But eventually you'll find you paid double or even triple than it's worth. Don't be a fool.
[网友IP: *.*.129.155]
发布时间: 2012-12-19 13:42:05
The manager is dishonest and unprofessional. Not recommended!
[网友IP: *.*.129.155]
发布时间: 2012-12-18 09:14:31
The Chines guy knows nothing about auto repair. He also cheated on me by overcharging me. Not recommended!
[网友IP: *.*.251.91]
发布时间: 2012-12-16 20:22:28
The Chinese boss is greedy, unprofessional, and always unable to provide detail information about what is wrong with your car. Very bad experience in his garage.

Try to avoid this bad guy. He always tried to replace something else that has truly nothing to do with the auto problem.
[网友IP: *.*.119.145]
发布时间: 2012-03-28 20:18:20
Price is higher out range for body repair.
[网友IP: *.*.38.71]
发布时间: 2011-06-17 09:00:38
[网友IP: *.*.205.58]
发布时间: 2011-03-03 17:21:24
My car failed the MD safety inspection and was estimated to pay over $1000 to fix all issues. I took my car to this garage and received quality service with about $400 savings in cost.

A very honest Chinese boss - Mr. Chen, a proud fellow Chinese!
[网友IP: *.*.187.145]
发布时间: 2010-02-15 11:40:58
Had cars fixed in this shop for several of years and very happy with the service and price each time. Very honor people and quality job.