华府网 « 华府商家 « 房屋维修« 华伟冷暖水电工程
10人参与点评 7329人查阅  [报告错误]
分类: 水管  电器  
电话: 571-332-3060


总体评价 非常好 一般 非常差
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[网友IP: *.*.246.36]
发布时间: 2021-02-25 12:46:13
[网友IP: *.*.203.27]
发布时间: 2021-01-08 20:30:04
[网友IP: *.*.29.224]
发布时间: 2019-06-03 22:07:53
[网友IP: *.*.232.40]
发布时间: 2018-05-31 21:02:36
春季收了 $480 空调加氟, 两个月后(现在)第一次用, 不制冷。该公司拒不来检查压力和检查氟量。
paid $480 to add AC coolant this spring, when using the AC for the first time in summer, no cool air. the company refused to re-check coolant level.
[网友IP: *.*.54.12]
发布时间: 2016-06-11 09:38:52
[网友IP: *.*.38.248]
发布时间: 2016-05-21 19:40:04
[网友IP: *.*.165.25]
发布时间: 2015-09-12 20:42:39
人渣骗子 机器没有安装好发生故障说好保修一年打电话给他 他说你找别人我忘记了 而且态度很狂 他没有执照肯定没报税也不给正规发票发生问题他装傻真的很烂
[网友IP: *.*.165.25]
发布时间: 2015-09-12 20:34:30
人渣骗子 机器没有安装好发生故障说好保修一年打电话给他 他说你找别人我忘记了 而且态度很狂
[网友IP: *.*.110.140]
发布时间: 2014-08-11 07:59:48
I have contact him for a air conditioning replacement job. He has first agree to do it and come to give a quote. However 10 min before appointment he called to postpone the appointment. On the phone I asked him if he would give receipt after installation, he said he can not give. I explained to him that I will need something to prove his job and would be able to find him if the equipment is bad after his installation. He said ok, then we rescheduled for him to come back in 1 hour. However, he doesn't show up eventually, and excuse himself for being to bus and promise to tell me when he could come later, I wait for 2 days, giving him 5 calls and messages, he always excuse that he is busy and will back to me. After waste my time for one week, I realize that the problem is not he is busy that the fact i asked for a receipt scared him so he would give up the job.

I feel lucky that I don't go with him. Being not honest like this, and refuse to give proper receipt, I don't feel any body could trust him to do reliable job at all.

[网友IP: *.*.160.180]
发布时间: 2009-12-01 11:57:57
Impatient, bad attitude