华府网 « 华府商家 « 买房卖房地产经纪人
曾毅华博士 Ke
4人参与点评 6843人查阅  [报告错误]
电话: 410-750-6905(H), 443-253-5218(O)
传真: 410-750-8781
查找路线: 9171 Baltimore National Pake, Ellicott City, MD 21042

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总体评价 非常好 一般 非常差
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[网友IP: *.*.185.50]
发布时间: 2011-01-14 13:58:05
His service is average. My score to him is a 60 out of 100. He knows how to do business by words but not by heart. He could earn your business if it is a quick buy and short turn around. But in a long run, he is not that great. If honest has a degree, then he is half on it. He knows what to say and what to hide from people (he has experience on how to play this. In this aspect, he is dangerous). He is not pushing which is good but not strong to present you on some case either. So, overall, he is ok (60/100 score).
[网友IP: *.*.192.21]
发布时间: 2010-08-27 08:35:08
My wife and I were very satisfied with his service.Strongly recommend him.
[网友IP: *.*.17.197]
发布时间: 2010-08-15 20:01:21
Not a good man.
[网友IP: *.*.251.17]
发布时间: 2010-07-13 09:22:00
Very experienced and professional.