这些华语片本周全美都能网上看!加拿大版“美国工厂”、章莹颖案纪录片、领养女孩寻根、还俗喇嘛的爱情…这个影展有点儿东西!(入围影片集锦) 第一步:选片购票 ↑电影节购票首页 也可在 http://alula.eventbrite.com/ 或点击“阅读原文”跳转购买 电影节完整手册可在 http://r6d.cn/RTRJ 下载。 第二步:注册观影账号登录小镇 第三步:提前进入放映建筑 等待放映 电影开场前20分钟,登录 festival.filmocracy.com/dccff 找到影片放映的建筑,点击进入即可等待放映。 *请买票观众务必提前入场,一旦错过放映开始时间将只能续看,没有办法重看错过的部分。 《归去来兮》 Dream in Silence 导演:黄欣/鲍野 时长:75’26“ 类别:纪录长片 展映时间:2020/12/14 21:00 EST 展映地点:Chinese Theater 年近七旬的方Sir,在纽约的华人郊区漂泊了三十年。在台湾的时候,他是电影界的一颗新星。在纽约,他是一个被生活折磨的孤独老者。方Sir觉得老了就应该怒斥光明的消逝,于是决心重拍自己年轻时的获奖影片。在一群年轻电影人的帮助下,方Sir又开始了他的梦想之路。 Fang Sir, nearly seventy years old, has been drifting in the Chinese suburbs in New York for thirty years. Back in Taiwan, he was a rising star in the film world. Here in New York, he is a lonely old-timer tortured by life. Feeling that old age should rage against the dying of the light, Fang Sir is determined to remake his award-winning film from his youth. Helped by a group of young filmmakers, Fang Sir is on his way to dream...again. 《瘾》 The Lovely Widow and Her Annoying Son 导演:王凯 片长:127' 类别:纪录长片 展映时间:2020/12/15 21:00 (EST) 展映地点:Online - Chinese Theater 国际首映 本片讲述了一个带有“原罪”情结的儿子用摄像机“探秘”自己以及母亲的故事。父亲去世后 ,儿子试图用摄像机在母子关系之间创造一种一般母子关系之外的对话伦理,并期待从中得到某种“解放”。但一方面他渴望意料之外的对话模式,一方面他未必能很好面对重新看见的自己。不论是母亲和儿子,他们日常堵塞的欲望在摄像机的作用下,是否得到了疏通? This film is a personal documentary about a son and his mother. Kai is a PHD student, an aspiring filmmaker, and most importantly the only son to his widowed mother. Following the death of his father, Kai’s mother increasingly relies on him and tries to control his life. Confused and frustrated, Kai uses his camera to record his daily conversations and arguments with her in an attempt to explore and reflect on their turbulent relationship 《何处,何处》 Hope's Home 导演:李玥 时长:26’39" 类别:纪录短片 展映时间:2020/12/16 21:00 (EST) 展映地点:Online - Chungking Mansions 纪录短片《何处,何处》是关于霍普·凤梅(Hope Fengmei),一个被美国家庭领养的中国女孩,决定前往寻找自己人生丢失拼图的旅程记录。从1998年至2018年,中国约有11万名弃婴被海外家庭领养,其中大部分是女孩。在霍普第一次回到中国的短短一周内,有许多苦甜参半的难忘瞬间。当仍然处于青少年阶段的她,与所有因溯根而来的情感突然相遇时,我们将见证到国际跨种族收养议题所带来的美丽与其复杂性。 Hope Fengmei Christopher is a fourteen-year-old girl living in the United States with her adopted parents. Accompanied by her father, she goes on a journey to China in search of the missing piece of the puzzle that could help her understand who she is. Through the director’s intimate access, the audience is on Hope’s journey with her, from her initial nervousness to feeling overwhelmed by the affection of her newfound relatives. Along the way, there are many humorous and bittersweet moments. As Hope struggles with all the emotions that come with retracing her roots, we witness both the beauty and complexity of international adoption. 《梦乐园》 Magic Kingdom 导演:NG Chak-hei 主演:Paul Kwo, Travis Zhang 时长:15’ 类别:剧情短片 展映时间:2020/12/16 21:00 (EST) 展映地点:Online - Chungking Mansions 故事发生在1997年,中年单身父亲阿杰以参观迪斯尼乐园为名,带着儿子从回归在即的香港来到美国加州。但很快,儿子阿俊发现爸爸此行的真正目的并不是旅行而已。 《宠儿》 Golden Boy 导演:胡與真 主演:Chen HU 时长:20’01" 类别:剧情短片 展映时间:2020/12/16 21:00 (EST) 展映地点:Online - Chungking Mansions 在为妻子出院做准备时,Chen 抱怨女儿在错误的时间拍摄影片。在家里,父女过滤了照顾的细节,达成现实的协议,调和了他们的关系。 While preparing for his wife’s discharge from the hospital, Chen yells at his daughter for filming at the wrong time. Within the confines of their home, father and daughter navigate caregiving, coming to terms with reality, and reconciling their relationship. 《蜉蝣日记》 Dayfly 导演:易宝星辰/张珂瑞/张友杰 时长:14’05" 类别:动画短片 展映时间:2020/12/16 21:00 (EST) 展映地点:Online - Chungking Mansions 生命是一束打破黑暗的阳光,茫茫宇宙之中,人类乃至世间万物向死而生的过程,都如蜉蝣一日般短暂而绚烂。请在活着的时候去好好感受这个世界。以只有一天生命的“蜉蝣”和一天的时间作为线索串联。时间从0点开始,到次日24点结束,其间穿插3个小故事。 Life is like a ray of sunshine that breaks through the darkness. In the vast universe, the lives of human beings and in fact all beings are as brief and gorgeous as a dayfly. We follow the extraordinary yet ordinary one-day journey of a ""dayfly"" to feel and examine the world around us.The clock starts at 0:00 and ends at 24:00, interspersed with three short stories. 《糸糸》 The Enwinding Threads 导演:张瑾若 时长:7’ 类别:动画短片 展映时间:2020/12/16 21:00 (EST) 展映地点:Online - Chungking Mansions 小女孩让她的奶奶教她刺绣。她很感兴趣并承诺与奶奶一起完成这副作品。小女孩逐渐长大,越来越忙,虽然每次奶奶都拿出那副刺绣,但她已经失去兴趣。小女孩长大后离开家乡,她的工作并不顺利,每天都很失落。此时她想起奶奶的温柔,回到老家,看到奶奶已经老到看不清、拿不稳,却依然坚持在完成二人多年前的那副刺绣。女孩走上前抚摸住奶奶的手,故事结束。 Inspired by the filmmaker’s personal experience, this 7-minute animation threads together a touching story about a girl and her grandmother. When she was little, her grandmother taught her embroidery. When she grows up, she leaves her hometown for work, but her connection with her grandmother is just like the embroidery threads - thin but strong. One day she decides to come home… 《春暖花开》 From Tomorrow On, I Will 导演:Ivan MARKOVIĆ / 吴林峰 主演:Li Chuan / 魏如光 片长:60’ 类别:剧情长片 展映时间:2020/12/17 21:00 (EST) 展映地点:Online - Alula E Street Cinema 都市正高速膨胀,却仍少经探索。小李夜晚工作、白天睡觉,他的舍友则与之相反。在北京的地下室里,两个男人不同时入眠,却分享了同张睡榻。这小小空间,成为两人仅有的庇护之地。但很快,这里也将不复存在。《春暖花开》曾入围第69届柏林国际电影节论坛单元。 The vast city remains unexplored. Li and his roommate work in opposite rhythms and share an underground housing, a home they will soon leave. From Tomorrow On, I Will was selected by 69th Berlinale International Film Festival Forum Section. 《碟子》 The Disc 导演:向垚 时长:4'58" 类别:动画短片 展映时间:2020/12/17 22:00 (EST) 展映地点:Online - Chinese Theater 《碟子》真实地记录了两位女性友人间的一段谈话,观众可以从中窥探到主流家庭和性少数群体间的矛盾。影片中结合了录像、动画,以及图像再创作的方式,试图带给纪实影像多维度的体验。 The film is based on a conversation between two women reminiscing about their past in middle school, when one of them first comes out to her family. 本场为4部短片合合集 《红石榴》 The Taste of Pomegranate 导演:陈文藻 时长:19'30" 类别:剧情短片 展映时间:2020/12/17 22:00 (EST) 展映地点:Online - Chinese Theater 桂芬的丈夫常年在外打工,家里有在上小学的儿子和颇有威望的婆婆,偶然间桂芬发现儿子的“特殊”癖好,左右为难之中一场风波悄然而至… Guifen's husband is a migrant worker who has been working away from home for many years. Now Guifen lives with her son who is struggling in elementary school and the formidable mother-in-law who constantly suppresses her with feudal ideology such as female virtues and children bearing for the family. One day Guifen finds out her son is hiding something. As she tries to process her son’s secret, she also begins to rethink her own identity. 本场为4部短片合合集 《子·母》 My Mother, Myself, and I 导演:孫慶尭 时长:7'32" 类别:剧情短片 展映时间:2020/12/17 22:00 (EST) 展映地点:Online - Chinese Theater 这是一部由四幕组成的成长短片。每一幕都是一个长镜头,记录了一位单亲妈妈和她的儿子在5岁、10岁、20岁和25岁时短暂而复杂的互动。这四对母子的瞬间,让我们看到了他们之间的关系,以及这种关系是如何在岁月中演变的。他们轻描淡写地探讨了中国传统家庭价值观的问题,以及性不忠和身份认同的社会禁忌。 A coming-of-age short film consisting of four acts. Each act is a long take capturing the brief but intricate interaction between a single-mother and her son at the ages of 5, 10, 20, and 25 years old. These four mother-son moments offer a glimpse into their relationship and how it evolves across the years as they tread lightly on the issue of traditional Chinese family values and the social taboos of sexual infidelity and identity. 本场为4部短片合合集 《这个夏天,阳光很猛》 Sunburnt Summer 导演:李子澄 时长:19'" 类别:剧情短片 展映时间:2020/12/17 22:00 (EST) 展映地点:Online - Chinese Theater 一位單身母親得知自己的兒子被人性侵,而對方又是自己工作的學校校長的兒子。在各種矛盾與掙扎間,她意識到自己在這一切面前是多麼的無能為力。 When single mother Mia returns home from a business trip, she finds out her son Teddy is acting weird. Teddy recounts the previous night and remembers he was raped by the son of Mia’s boss. Now Mia has to deal with this situation and risk all they have to fight this unfair fight. 本场为4部短片合合集 《日光之下》 Wisdom Tooth 导演:梁鸣 主演:吕星辰/吴晓亮/王佳佳 片长:104’ 类别:剧情长片 展映时间:2020/12/18 21:00 (EST) 展映地点:Online - Alula E Street Cinema |