美中实验中文学校双语班将采用《美洲华语》教材 一双筷子,如果不用来吃东西,那么学习它是无用的;一种语言,如果不拿来使用,那么学习它也是无用,更是无趣的。 筷子和语言都是工具,用工具去享用丰富多彩的内容,才是学习中文的目的。《美洲华语》就为孩子们学习中文提供了这样的内容:图片多、文字多但容易念;像故事书般地亲切的书本;有成就感的学习梯度;多元的学习题材。。。 为增加学习中文的趣味性和实用性,美中实验中文学校洛城校区将于2017年秋季在双语班启用《美洲华语》课本。《美洲华语》课本是全美中文学校联合总会教育研究发展委员会,为美洲地区1年级至12年级学生出版发行的华文教科书。 课本共12册,适合每周上课2-4小时的中文学校学生使用。美洲华语课本讲与美国高中中文进阶课程(Chinese Advance Placement Program,简称AP)和美国大学的中文教学相衔接。美洲华语课本是以美国外语教学标准(Standards for foreign language learning,5C)、美国外语评鉴规范(National Assessment Educational Progress Framework)为准则,融合多元智慧(Multiple Intelligence)编写而成。 《美洲华语》非常适合喜欢学习实用性中文或双语家庭的孩子们。离秋季入学时间已经越来越近了,请抓紧时间 网上注册 https://acsrockville.ptboard.com/。 Designed as companion workbooks to the 12-volumed" Mei Zhou Chinese "textbook, this series is suitable for students of Grades 1-12 learning Chinese for 2-4 hours a week. The focuses of the textbooks include phonetics, vocabulary, situation-oriented communications and human sciences. The applicable standards adopted for compilation include US national standards on teaching foreign languages (5C) and US standards on foreign language assessment. And the textbooks are connected with both US Chinese Advance Placement Program (AP) at senior high school and US college Chinese program. Also included are Flash Cards with Chinese Characters that are used in the books to help reinforce learning. 附美洲华语第一至十册教材简介: 美洲华语第一册: 根据美洲地区六岁至八岁儿童的认知层面和生活体验,教导学童数字 与基本量词,认识五官及双手,并结合童谣及儿歌,让学童在有乐趣的环境中,学会一年 十二个月,大小与位置,并能自我介绍及结交朋友。 美洲华语第二册,是以美洲地区小学二年级学生各项学科的知识水平和对生活的体验,用 “象形字的由来“一文来介绍中国文字。课文中加入绕口令,谜语和节日典故,进一步教导学生认识中国文化,如春节,十二生肖和中国毛笔的典故。
In grades 1 and 2, students are introduced to the most basic words and concepts such as numbers, classifiers, senses and body parts. They learn about the pictorial graphic origin of Chinese characters and Chinese culture covering the likes of Spring Festival and the twelve zodiac signs. Through songs, poems, tongue twisters and riddles, students learn to express months, locations, and make self-introduction to new friends.
美洲华语第三册,开始加强认字与读字能力,并教导学童如何使用字典。除认识基本标点 符号外, 课文裡还结合了嫦娥奔月,猴子捞月,南瓜灯笼及万圣节等故事,让学生在浅显 易懂的文字中,逐步了解字型和字意,并做看图造句的练习。 美洲华语第四册,以贴近生活,诙谐有趣的方式,结合温馨童诗,感恩节,传统麵食_水 饺的製作过程,端午节的由来,北极星,指南针等具人文性,知识性的文章,让学生学生 字,写造句,并练习查阅字典。 美洲华语第五册, 以饶富趣味性和知识性的故事,短文,新诗和对话,如华人棒球队, 中国花木兰及美国花木兰。健康的饮食习惯等,使学生沉浸与丰富的语言运用和有乐趣的 学习情景中 学习中文。除生字和造句练习,老师将引领学生对课文进行对话和深入的探讨练习。 Beginning in grade 3, the focus is moved to building abilities in reading and understanding characters through stories of legend, holidays and food making among other topics. Through grade 4 and 5, students learn to use dictionaries, make sentences, and look for overall themes in reading materials. 美洲华语第六册,课程重心注重于学生的中文沟通能力。在老师的指导下,学生初步接触 人文科学的课文,如万里长城,音乐与乐器,计算机。并以相互对话的练习方式,来学习 用中文表达自己的意思。 美洲华语第七册,介绍“China”的由来,餐馆点菜,鸦片战争,认识中药及针灸,和准备SAT中文等。在老师的鼓励下,学生就日常生活中,经常接触到的主题进行讨论,让学生彼此讨论来学习,进而强化中文的沟通能力。 美洲华语第八册,秉持着螺旋式的字词学西方式,由易而难;前面所学的字词将不断出现,从而让学生温故而知新。此外,借着名牌商品与价值观,中文裡的外来词,中国的十二星座灯课程内容,让学生就生活当中经常接触的主题进行讨论,并加强学生应用成语和常用语的口语表达能力。 In grades 6, 7 and 8, the focus is transitioned to building overall communication skills. Lessons increasingly incorporate topics in history, music, technology, medicine among other disciplines. Practices and discussions are built around students’ vocabulary for retention and applications. 美洲华语第九册,将从学生日常家庭生活,学校生活,扩展到社会生活和海外生活圈。老 师除了介绍调职,搬家,转学,到外地发展等,将特别注重学生通过SAT 中文测验和AP 中文考试。 As students advance through grade 9, lessons expand to cover topics beyond daily family and school lives. Students practice reading newspaper articles and published essays among other materials. Themed discussions are regularly organized during class time. Additional emphasis is placed on preparing students for taking tests of SAT Chinese and AP Chinese. Upon conclusion of 9th grade, students are expected to converse, read, and write in Chinese with a level of confidence. 美洲华语十年级的课程涵盖人文,社会,文学,科学历史。注重日常会话并加强字词和基本句型的练习。课本内容贴近生活,考驾照,交通工具,宠物,足球,网络霸凌等热门话题,让学生乐在其中。 In grade 10, the curriculum covers sociology, culture, science, and history. The focus is on daily dialogue; emphasis is on words and basic sentence patterns. It brings in some everyday topics, such as taking the driver's license exam, using transportation, pets, American football, cyberbullying, etc. Students enjoy what they are learning. |