Location: Two rooms for rent in a single family house in Graham Rd, Falls Church within walking distance(6 min) to bus station going to Ballston metro (orange line) , located convenient for gas, public library, shopping and dining. Bus stops, grocery stores, restaurants, parks and trails are all around the location.. u8 F# N+ J% e, U& w
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Room:Two unfurnished rooms available starting May10 in this single family house with front and back yards. New carpet and new paint for the entire house. Partially renovated kitchen. $1000 for 1st room ( two rooms available with shared bathroom). $950 for 2nd room.
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" h5 l9 G% a6 o+ mRent includes water, sewage, trash and internet but not gas and electricity. One person per room only. Three people share the kitchen. Washer and dryer in house. On-street parking available. # S; O: q7 ?# [$ ]# B
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Ideal tenant: Clean and quiet scholar, student, professional with stable income or savings to pay rent. Long term lease preferred (normally at leaset 12 months). No smoking, no pets, no drugs, no parties. & c# \, |, o3 t4 g
* K9 q, }3 G" a2 Z k$ UPlease email to muma44@gmail.com with your contact number, an introduction of yourself, including how others would describe you as a roommate. Please also indicate the length of your intended stay.+ P+ s# U9 z: d. [9 Q2 C
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