本帖最后由 牛市熊人 于 2010-9-1 15:36 编辑

James J. Lee, 43, has run a one-man protest against the Discovery Channel. He is the man who has been named as the suspect who is believed to have taken at least one hostage at the company's suburban Washington, D.C. headquarters.
He operates the Web site savetheplanetprotest.com . The site contains a list of demands for changes at the channel.
It starts with the line, "The Discovery Channel MUST broadcast to the world their commitment to save the planet and to do the following IMMEDIATELY:"
Lee has also conducted protests outside of the Discovery Channel headquarters building in Silver Spring, Md. and was reportedly arrested in February 2008 in connection with a week-long protest he had planned for February 15-23, 2008.
Lee's main complaint, according to his site, was that the network claims to show "Environmental Programs" but their shows cause more harm than good. He cited shows like "Cash Cab" and Dirty Jobs". He claims they serve as diversions to keep the focus off of what he considers important issues such as global warming and animal extinction.
James Lee has a MySpace page . He says that he's 5'11" tall and from Hawaii. He described himself as an atheist who did not want children in his profile.
His last post at 10:06 AM Jan 22, 2008 said, "Lee says: It's time for REVOLUTION!!!" |