Individual Ticket Costs
Prices are subject to change.
Adults: $16
Seniors ages 62+: $14
Students ages 5-18, or any age with valid student ID: $6
Children ages 4 and under: Free
April 1–May 22, 2009
* Gardens
9:00 am–6:00 pm
Longwood Gardens is located on US Route 1, about 3 miles northeast of Kennett Square, PA. Longwood is an easy drive and offers free parking!
Miles to Longwood:
Baltimore, MD - 72*
Washington, DC - 110*
To find directions using an internet directions website, please use the following address for Longwood Gardens:
1001 Longwood Road, Kennett Square , PA 19348
“杜邦花园” 又称“长木公园” - Longwood Guardens. 位于费城与威明顿之间.
长木公园与杜邦公司的渊源要追溯到近一百年前。长木公园在1798年起,在地主Peirce 兄弟的刻意搜集下,在一个小的植物园里栽种了许多珍贵的树木,而成为一个著名的公园。1906年,当时的杜邦公司总裁Pierre S. du Pont(杜邦创办人之孙,1870-1954)听说,这个公园里,拥有两百多岁的树木将要被砍掉时,买下这块土地,即时挽救也改变了这些老树的命运。
Pierre S. du Pont, 不仅是Longwood的主人,更是这个公园的规划设计师。他承续Peirce兄弟将美景与大众分享的理念传承至今,1050英亩的土地上,54个室内室外的花园,无数喷泉和亲水公园所呈现的秀丽景色终年开放。
这里已经是美国一个相当具有份量的园艺、休憩的场地。目前,长木公园的营运交由一个非营利的民间组织运\作,没有美国政府方面赞助,营运的所有的经费来源全来自于Pierre du Pont's 基金会、杜邦公司营业收入及花园本身的收入。
1700 to present
Exquisite flowers, majestic trees, dazzling fountains, extravagant conservatory, starlit theatre, thunderous organ—all describe the magic of Longwood Gardens, a horticultural showstopper where the gardening arts are encased in classic forms and enhanced by modern technology. Many generations helped create Longwood Gardens, but one individual—Pierre S. du Pont (1870-1954), industrialist, conservationist, farmer, designer, impresario, and philanthropist—made the most enduring contribution.
Pierre du Pont was the great-grandson of Eleuthère Irénée du Pont (1771-1834), who arrived from France in 1800 and founded the DuPont chemical company. Pierre turned the family business into a corporate empire in the early 20th century and used his resulting fortune to develop the Longwood property.
More than 200 years earlier, the land had been inhabited by the native Lenni Lenape tribe who hunted, fished, and farmed the productive wilderness. In 1700, a Quaker family named Peirce purchased the property from William Penn and soon established a working farm. Joshua and Samuel Peirce began planting an arboretum on the farm in 1798. The farm was purchased in 1906 by Pierre du Pont so he could preserve the trees, and from 1907 until the 1930s Mr. du Pont created most of what is enjoyed today. In 1946, the Gardens were turned over to a foundation set up by Mr. du Pont. After his death in 1954 Longwood's first director was hired. Since that time Longwood Gardens has matured into a magnificent horticultural showplace filled with countless opportunities for enjoyment and learning.
Longwood owes its present-day success to the Peirces, who actively pursued a Quaker interest in natural history. By 1850, the site was known as one of the finest collections of trees in the nation, and one of the first public parks, and its aesthetic qualities were as important as its botanical significance. |