诚实稳重爱干净安静女学生或女士。好区联栋屋楼上两间中等大小,带大衣橱,明亮卧室出租。$650/间/月,合用一全卫。水/网/电全包。Fairfax黄金地段,近GMU和NOVA,位于Woodson, Frost 和Mantua 黄金组合学区内。走路3分钟即可达:去学校或地铁的公车,商店,影院,健身房,中外餐馆等等。
( T5 @0 I8 S [: O% q! |
& Z1 }* L, R( @08/01/2013可入住。一年以上合同为佳。请电 ss2012va@gmail.com非诚勿扰。谢谢。% |" l6 V# c( b/ c% N
9 d4 y- }+ R6 @+ ?' GMature, clean, responsible, quiet and easy-going FEMALES only.
/ g' Y5 r. I; W, X. I8 k, Q$ a2 sunny upstairs bedrooms in a 2 level town-home near GMU and NOVA. Mantua, Frost and Woodson High School pyramid.
4 u* F7 Y7 j9 m1 |4 N) G1-5 minutes walk to everything: Cue Bus, Metro Bus, Grocery stores, Fair City mall, Movie theater, Gym, etc.
3 ?0 z& ?3 r' j$650/Room/mo. Utilities/cable/wireless connection included. One full bathroom to share.
, h4 i$ K4 t5 [; S/ AAvailable 08/01/13. Long term lease (>1 year) preferred. |