歉招惹大家,5 X6 m. Z) c- z& p, B# I2 r
對一下如何商品感興趣就跟我手機7038879609聯絡。價格再談判。' ~% ?2 |* \" l$ Q
% e- Y4 m8 v/ Y! h8 ^* q
1. 一款Ipod Nano籃色 The iPod has 16GB space and is Chrome Blue, 翻新的,帶充電器; s V- j+ u- \. W. v2 Q, F
2. 一箱子的舊的xBox, PC 電腦遊戲,包括Simcity 和 Sim 係類的,賽車係類的,適合小孩係類的。**我打算把整個一盒子的遊戲統統都賣掉。**
; Z1 V8 b1 ~+ @3. 吉他弦(尼龍和鉄弦都有)
$ f* G, q* H7 ?% q( j4 k8 C9 w- A* W
4. 一款電子象棋遊戲機 he chess machine is the Cosmic Touch Screen Travel Chess Computer by Saitek, http://www.classicchessandgames.com/CosmicTouchScreenTravelChessComputerModelCH05.htm
1 ?+ R: _9 ~, w# A& o! j; J, W0 O7 b, G' o4 A
5. 兩件黑管, 一件幾乎全新的Yamaha Advantage YCL 200AD. Less than a month old, bought brand new, factory made from shop for $600, can't play now because of some sort of lung incompetence. Selling this at a steal. It was not played, all pads are there as if they were new. Comes with mouthpiece and Vandoran reed, but no reed holder.
4 l, J c- b0 A8 W! W
; K+ o8 K1 N. U1 l3 C. V, k8 l7 l& [Also comes with cork grease and free clarinet cleansing kit, all of this would sell $650 when bought new.5 _7 q% P7 e* Z: T6 y3 {& s
6. 牛仔褲,襯衫,沒穿過,32W-32L |