世界上只有犹太人(至今5774年历史)和中国人(至今5000多年历史)是不同异族通婚的,即使通了婚有了杂的后代,那杂的后代是永远也不会被认同为同民族的(现在除了族谱,还可以用基因科技去验证). 世界上的其他民族互相通婚是没罪的.
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% Z5 K) d3 M8 N+ O: _海外华人唯一防犯与异族通婚杂种的办法是常回中国国内探亲拜祖. 还有要学会说中文, 因为语言障碍而无法沟通是灭种的第一步. 最后是不要入宗教, 因为精神洗脑是灭种的另一个手法. 如果你是中国人, 你就生为中国人, 死也是中国人, 入任何宗教都是不能够改变的. 还有, 做任何事情促使中国人同异族通婚杂种是有罪的.
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, }: M1 Y. K; P/ nOversea Chinese must visit China whenever it is possible; either paying tribute to Chinese ancestors or visit friends and relatives, such activities can truly prevent intermarriage with non-Chinese. Learning to speak Chinese is also important, if you can not communicate in Chinese then the next step is assimilation. Lastly, not to join any religion, spiritual brain-wash speeds up assimilation or completely destroys the Chinese people. If you are Chinese, you are born a Chinese and die a Chinese, religion can not change that. Also, induce Chinese to intermarry with non-Chinese is a sin.- p( u2 O+ b- }; ?5 \( Z6 N9 {3 \
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中国人的定义: 亲生父母是百分之百属于中国的五十六个民族
5 A" r1 H! N3 b8 ?1 qDefinition of Chinese: Biological parents are one hundred percent belonged to China's fifty-six nationalities |