2 Q" y f, O W4 ^9 `. T
华裔赌徒、大连人邸千先生(45岁,乳名蛋蛋,英文名David)在美国屡次因犯罪被捕。去年《世界日报》曾采访报道过邸千先生的一宗敲诈勒索案件,在纽约华人社区轰动一时。今年3月16日上午9点,马里兰法院将开庭审理邸千先生的另一宗刑事案件,欢迎公众前往旁听。; t# h( O% _+ G: r4 D4 S( N
+ C! ` K$ p: b7 B: \# X. g4 Y
由于邸千先生长期异地流窜诈骗作案,各地受害者不计其数。为便于知情者报案,协助中、美两国警方调查取证,特此公布被告人邸千先生的相关资料。邸千,男,1971年2月21日出生于哈尔滨市,户籍地址是大连市中山区中南路亿成花园8号楼2单元501室,在美国警察署和法院登记的地址是231 Evergreen Ave., Staten Island, NY 10305。Qian Di社会安全号SSN: 115-23-95320 Q+ G: I7 j0 o1 M( f4 U
. k0 I s x6 ~; H$ t$ T/ O3 lCourt System: Circuit Court for Prince George's County - Criminal System
% V/ L9 s2 I# [Case Number: CT150378X 9 T' v% w& z, _: [9 j
Case Description: Qian Di 邸千
* |7 H, e2 s( T5 cCase Type: Criminal Appeal
r$ @7 m2 K, ~* y8 I- _Filing Date: 04/02/2015
) y0 H( o l. P4 w! l- K5 s8 Q* JCase Status: Active Status
" I+ l6 g2 |: p0 w1 `Judge Alves, Judge Whalen, Ms.M. Smith
0 [. ~% F) F. L4 O& {http://casesearch.courts.state.md.us/casesearch/inquiry-index.jsp ! d, Q7 B* j+ e# v, F
$ ]# u; k6 j/ S* C
Attorney:Shaoming Cheng 程绍铭( d& ?& Y- X! r5 h# c+ _# O
Cheng Yun & Associates PLLC 成云律师事务所
; J9 w/ M" l, k& M8 C2 \/ d6072 Deer Ridge Trail4 X6 }4 ?" V# u% y5 J4 A& }' I
Springfield, VA 22150
" P% N3 I& p( F: {% y+ j: d6 APhones: (301) 802-2588 / (703) 921-2588
3 }2 r3 v3 T$ Y. R; ?' lFax: (703) 924-71915 s' i5 @: `) V: Z) k
www.chengcpa.com5 }7 C) m, d+ p- Y: e3 W: `
5 e$ H- i7 X9 W. w5 ^9 P4 F, O/ z
邸千,一位来自中国大连市的45岁男子,在美国居住了二十多年,因为沉湎赌博而倾家荡产,妻离子散,于是不停地搬家,到处向人借钱不还,租房欠缴租金,还经常报警诬陷债主和房东。邸千骗钱的手段之一,就是吹嘘自己的“辉煌历史”,并将一份履历表作为“道具”。: A3 @* z% C: `1 c
8 {( H% l' n8 r6 Q! k以下《中国游泳教练工作简历及主要成绩》由邸千同志自己编写,内容的真实性存疑,未经大连市体育局等单位审核。 ?8 v8 \/ e' J3 c- D
3 U3 f* M. d6 G
: {; k( F+ K4 c) z姓名:邸千 性别:男 出生年月:1971年2月21日
1 P" m2 e m: R5 w- ]/ g- R6 m家庭住址:大连市中山区中南路亿成花园8号楼2单元501室- a C6 r. d' e( y2 r( L A0 w! t
邮政编码:116001 电话:15322033666
$ T2 b0 g5 p# V1 {+ n; \简历:+ H) a* p1 G) A9 n
1979年----1983年哈尔滨市兆麟小学校- d8 h! q7 p9 x6 Q3 _" X% b
1983年----1986年大连市辽宁师范大学附属中学 中学4 y1 S9 |' v/ ^
1986年----1989年大连市辽宁师范大学附属中学 高中
. L a, N. n" F6 B& E1989年----1993年大连大学师范学院体育系体育教育专业
7 d8 K; t( F) S7 @* |/ H7 N1993年----2007年大连市体育局体育运动学校游泳教练7 x; x5 t+ I# K7 N% \
( _) H3 }( O- h1 R# y, D+ @' c2009年----韩国首尔大学青少年游泳训练培训
* X( c) j, k2 u5 I X, O9 a运动员简历:$ B; H% |4 p( r! S1 H2 a
1983年大连市青少年游泳比赛年龄组50米自由泳第一名、50米蝶泳第一名、50米蛙泳第一名。4 k: I9 B% d- _: a5 l
1986年辽宁省运动会100米自由泳第二名,4X100米混合接力第一名。# ~. V8 P, n: Q. _
0 \5 d* f5 }+ Z- H/ M* b
* ]' H7 Z- b1 H) J8 K1 r邸千同志自称1994年移民美国,以“杰出人才”身份获得绿卡。但邸千同志在美国并未从事过任何与体育运动有关的工作。他目前是一家橱柜公司的送货司机。邸千同志自称出身于游泳世家,母亲和继父都是游泳教练。在美国,邸千同志不停地搬家,不停地向人借钱,有借无还,四处躲债,还因刑事犯罪多次被捕入狱。邸千同志每次向人借钱,总是拿出自己编写的《中国游泳教练工作简历及主要成绩》,以博取对方好感,然后含泪诉说房子和财产都在离婚过程中被前妻夺去。然而实际情况却是,邸千同志把大部分时间和精力都花在全美国各家赌场里,在“百家乐”、“牌九”等赌局中把工资和借来的钱全部输光,然后只能靠继续说谎骗钱度日,租房而拒付租金,对房东敲诈勒索,还报警诬陷债主,以致经常与人争吵冲突,纠纷不断。邸千同志每到一地短住,都会大幅增加当地警署的报案率和警员的出勤率,搅得街坊鸡犬不宁。
' j; @: `3 Q7 }7 _/ B9 k6 w' r* Y+ _$ n& S: B4 J. T% K
Mr. Qian Di Claims that he immigrated to the United States in 1994, and obtain a green card by the "outstanding talent". However, Mr. Qian Di has not engaged in any work related to sports in the United States. He is currently a delivery driver for a cabinet company. Mr. Qian Di claims that he was born in a swimming family, his mother and his stepfather are swimming coacher. In the United States, Mr. Qian Di ceaselessly moving and borrows money from people but without returning. then he bilks everywhere. He has been arrested several times for criminal offenses. Every time, Mr. Qian Di always took the resume, "the swimming coaches in China and main achievements" which he wrote, to make each other's a good impression when he borrows money from people. Then, he tearfully complained of his house and property have been taken by his ex-wife in the divorce case. The actual situation is, however, that Mr. Qian Di spent most of the time and energy in various casinos in the United States. His wages and borrowed money lost all in the gambling games, such as "Baccarat", "Pai Gow" and so on. Then he must continue to lie and cheat money in order to live. He rented the room, but refused to pay the rental. He blackmailed his landlords. He reported and framed his creditors. As a result, he often quarreled with others, and constant disputed. During he lived in every place, the local police report rate and the police attendance were increased. He made the neighborhood out of utter confusion., C" O4 W' C. I' P
- k7 A6 ~. v& KCase Information
' ^0 h( K+ d% f. Q8 U4 ^; [ t9 B$ ~* @4 \ L" \4 K
Court System:Circuit Court for Prince George's County - Criminal System
, @/ g/ s g$ X9 @' M) I2 `Case Number:CT150378X
! b- M- ]" d- ECase Description: Qian Di
! ~+ O, ?; w* }% qCase Type: Criminal Appeal% _8 W. }. d: U6 L% Q: ~. b
Filing Date: 04/02/2015
, ~; u9 X) K: F# t* [$ N, lCase Status: Active Status
! J! W) f4 @) _. }Defendant/Respondent Information
$ L9 i( i3 s% s3 `- G/ f. j5 }5 V
Party Type: Defendant Party No.:1) k% O- ^5 o6 f3 v/ y
Name: Qian Di
! l( v" J$ v* U( \/ i0 \ K: \Address: 819 Sunniland Drive
9 E' b6 M) L0 hCity: Orlando State: FL Zip Code: 32808+ C/ B! j3 F# o: V8 T+ Q
Attorney Information
4 B, p: a2 d8 `$ n U8 |
7 i8 [' g; n4 ^7 Y: oName: Shaoming Cheng
" r3 _4 \& A' I3 rAttorney Type: Attorney# E; r+ G8 C8 P) G+ w( p3 C
Address: Chen Yun & Associates, PLLC
1 s, T# @+ f" x2 QCity: Springfield State: VA Zip Code: 22150* d% N t" W7 V8 ]' ]
Other Party Information
/ e& f f: h7 @2 u
# r; ?: q2 s! e8 O' L! nParty Type: Bail Party Party No.:4
# o8 B6 j; ^* W u XName: Qian Di3 j# U' w* t( K6 _" e! e
Party Type: Interpreter Party No.:9
1 @' Z$ Y( [: VName: Mandarin Interpreter! n' N/ \5 q/ ~2 [3 N7 O
Party Type: Victim Witness Coordinator Party No.:37 _/ h# ~- \; y, p4 G" C
Name: Sandra M Fitzgerald' a& i3 m S* [/ E3 Z
Court Scheduling Information% M7 I4 M: O( V5 i" e! I
# B) ]$ k/ D1 M& ?5 j6 x; PEvent Type: Initial Arraignment
1 J' M( b% ^$ g+ T0 s/ W# ~Event Date: 04/24/2015 Start Time:10:00:00
# ]6 D* P% n5 BResult: Initial Arraignment Moot Result Date:04/23/2015) C. y/ R3 R9 ~! V {
Event Type: Hicks Date" P) I9 g% ~6 }. Z# P& T
Event Date: 10/20/2015 Start Time:09:00:00
. j% I# V3 k2 H4 U2 A; PResult: Hicks Suspended (FTA) Result Date:10/20/2015
, I6 W3 M/ \: ~$ j) O) _2 oEvent Type: Trial; H8 u' N) {" T
Event Date: 10/06/2015 Start Time:09:00:006 C e9 l' `% m4 P# J/ D
Result: Failed to Appear Result Date:10/06/2015
- t3 }) \# m+ I. _) @; I- O8 LEvent Type: Hearing% d1 f+ X8 E; f$ @, m% I
Event Date: 01/28/2016 Start Time:09:00:00$ H' a3 |& K% a' p2 H
Result: Hearing Held Result Date:01/28/2016, O; e8 o# p y% t3 s: h
Event Type: Motions Hearing$ k" D& e$ h( g1 w8 R
Event Date: 07/17/2015 Start Time:07:30:00
3 ~2 H3 F9 }4 ?Result: Motions Hearing Moot Result Date:07/17/2015
! @: Q! ]! B( X' W. E3 `Event Type: Trial* s4 d% Y, L* P9 y; R0 ^
Event Date: 08/19/2015 Start Time:09:00:00
: |) \: |# ?" c+ aResult: Trial Continued/In Court Result Date:08/19/2015
' H( z" Y- O+ e {5 ZEvent Type: Trial
# u; v( b; j4 r7 }% S( P+ {Event Date: 03/16/2016 Start Time:09:00:00- s* n* V1 |0 N! \' e5 }
Result: Trial Continued/Prior To Result Date:01/28/2016
9 @# I+ d1 R+ @0 NEvent Type: Trial# Q6 k4 U& k1 x7 t* g
Event Date: 03/22/2016 Start Time:09:00:00
, s& k( ^8 ~9 H4 ]Result: Result Date:
+ K' d& `2 }9 W0 y+ v. E2 jCharge and Disposition Information
/ u2 K; U, e% r4 G0 G/ l- n
; `4 V. T r" V(Each Charge is listed separately. The disposition is listed below the Charge)7 b* [1 W) p; o& ?/ `) ]2 f
Charge No: 1
0 m {2 @8 S" y0 c9 B5 {; b) |Charge: Assault 1st Degree; F, O* n) i, D7 ?8 u
Charge Code: 3-202
. @+ i4 i% U l3 GOffense Date: 07/15/2014
9 P! C" N: B" V2 KArrest Tracking No: 141001508900
0 b+ ~+ r1 X# Y5 C, Q8 T6 aDisposition" f. M G! F5 o% c+ y
Disposition: Disposition Date:
5 ^) b! p% J: Q' S4 o& {9 H* p& KCharge No: 2. S$ N4 Y: t3 _* K
Charge: Assault 2nd Degree
$ y6 o* Y1 w' @4 z7 gCharge Code: 3-203
. \# ?8 B$ T* o! f/ ^Offense Date: 07/15/2014" i2 z$ I( E1 x
Arrest Tracking No: 141001508900
# t( s) _' l& d X2 t7 UDisposition
+ s G5 W, f, w9 [9 P' hDisposition: Disposition Date:) o; I G9 N) a7 }
Charge No: 3
! y- V) }3 T& NCharge: Reckless Endangerment5 a7 f) `7 [! o" H* k
Charge Code: 3-2049 O& ~. E: W& u1 w3 e' T+ F7 r# M
Offense Date: 07/15/2014/ ^( |0 O4 K: u8 y6 {" a
Arrest Tracking No: 141001508900& u" Z! P! F1 p* u3 ?6 C. C
Disposition8 w' k8 ~7 @9 J
Disposition: Disposition Date:
# P* v' P+ s2 x2 \1 \ @# R4 ~8 [, L3 yDockets
5 L6 x8 Y0 [' E! R9 d8 Z/ W( Q( a
, C7 c6 f- C) ~2 \(Each Document listed. Documents are listed in Document No./Sequence No. order)/ Y& v( x. }, z/ q/ l1 q1 P
Date: 04/02/2015
+ K- l; U6 K1 S% l/ nDocument Name: Presentment and Indictment for
, v2 ~( z! u* W4 H( V; WDocket Text: Counts: (1) Assault-First Degree, (2) Assault-Second Degree, (3) Reckless Endangerment, fld, 574( Q L7 h, |( ]" o
Date: 04/02/2015
4 v. P1 h* Q6 M* G7 hDocument Name: Indictment by Grand Jury& ]; |3 w) v2 B/ V9 q8 o8 D' O
Docket Text: Indictment Presented by Grand Jury, Judge Rattal ; Mr. D. Engelbretson, Reporter, filed, 574
' [7 y" F" A- _& _) w) r8 }Date: 04/07/2015* C" E6 q- Y, L1 s! D0 e
Document Name: Sum w/cpy Indct Mld to Def Fd
9 [/ C8 u) B+ W0 \, o, x- K. tDocket Text:
- p. G8 _9 j% }: C4 VDate: 04/16/2015
4 \; y6 K$ w) UDocument Name: Statement of Charges Fd
4 Q0 U n6 V. `, w4 MDocket Text: 574
; S) ]5 a W+ BDate: 04/16/2015
6 z1 @* T' J* O. H6 s! D( Y bDocument Name: Commitment Pending Hearing7 ]1 h, V4 x" ^! J$ Z5 r3 C7 Y* \
Docket Text: In default of $2,500.00 bail (100% acceptable) or PR to PTR or 10% Cash Acceptable, fld, 574, T# u! T2 u z1 m$ F! Y L
Date: 04/16/2015/ V) _- n& q# v7 o7 r2 Y8 g3 z9 C9 h
Document Name: Bail Bond Papers, Fd
5 S& {" q1 r5 s/ lDocket Text: Cash Bond posted in the amount of $250.00 by Qian Di, fld, 5744 J, k) { F5 z# s- `
Date: 04/23/2015
5 [. f" P0 }4 U; t$ nDocument Name: Initial Arraignment Moot# K% `1 R' i- R
Docket Text: * G0 F& v8 W4 q. D8 R# [
Date: 04/23/2015& h! J' r, N7 w' i
Document Name: Line of Appearance, fd
/ x/ c, S. a. D. O; P/ v% }Docket Text: 354
- `0 T( A$ I- G- Q& JDate: 04/13/2015
% i. L3 X4 \( e/ _; d4 o; I2 bDocument Name: Letter from Sao, filed.) Q7 h, f) b7 h+ j( ~
Docket Text: fld, 589.) H7 L; S8 r( L& @* y. @* O
Date: 04/30/2015+ r6 `* Y5 T4 E2 L: n, i( ]# \
Document Name: PD Line, JT, Man/Disc Mot, fd) S9 I" ?, Y+ K
Docket Text: 339( E j( @/ M8 }+ t
Date: 05/06/2015
0 e; h4 ~% W% ]Document Name: Cash Bond8 H/ r. K' q8 J5 M
Docket Text: Cash bond in the amount of $250.00 was rec'd 4/24/15, recpt #72555. fld 473) \& P# [" Z' `7 F" p+ G! h
Date: 05/06/2015
z7 M3 I$ J* XDocument Name: Letter from Sao, filed.3 m: r) e! f& q M! p! l( E
Docket Text: Letter to Leslie F. Peek, Office of Public Defender, from State's Attorney's Office dated May 5, 2015, fd. 502
; B# Y! V4 f/ n3 y% v/ v" P0 i. LDate: 05/06/20158 F$ [8 _' [9 Q4 w0 u
Document Name: Opposition to Motion& U1 [- A- v& ~" Y% `
Docket Text: Opposition to Motion to Suppress, fd. 5022 N8 W% q$ {% i' T
Date: 05/06/2015
! G# R/ R# B8 S: w4 {5 ~Document Name: Notice of Intent Self Auth...
- B" a8 i$ u1 i( @' z5 n( uDocket Text: Notice of Intent to Offer Self-Authenticating Record of regularly conducted business activity, fd. 502' F. C9 F6 r5 A' Z* C
Date: 05/06/2015* J: J l0 w |3 L9 t, I6 k
Document Name: Not of Expert Witness Fd3 w- q9 t9 O9 t/ E/ R! G
Docket Text: Notice of Intent to use DNA Expert, fd. 502& J1 e, h0 ]' L
Date: 05/06/2015
5 F; v# x8 c1 J. SDocument Name: Not of Expert Witness Fd: y: F+ t( P6 a$ D+ F2 A' z
Docket Text: Notice of Intent to use Rafis Expert, fd. 502
; E3 e4 H) X4 X$ zDate: 05/06/20156 h. t& t9 h8 A6 v
Document Name: Notice of Intent, fd
( r- l2 a$ E# e* a1 c! VDocket Text: Notice of Intent to Offer Certified Records (Police/Jail Records), fd. 502
. u" t( K& i& w9 ^/ cDate: 05/06/2015
8 B& W6 a. J! j4 m8 k8 T& Y% E% lDocument Name: Notice of Intent, fd/ j0 f/ S) R, j
Docket Text: Notice of Intent to Offer Certified Public Records (MVA / DMV), fd. 502$ Z. I! L1 _( H" B4 @) {
Date: 05/06/2015
6 f& H4 G- @$ X: E6 wDocument Name: St Answer To Def Mot's, fld
- W" }7 J% N& l; e6 U+ TDocket Text: Answer to Defendant's Mandatory Motions, fd. 502
, e! x* ^3 m U* [2 e+ g, {0 TDate: 05/06/2015
- G; e N) R- M2 ?- Y6 IDocument Name: Opposition to Motion: z3 m; j' @" g2 Q/ g) U% c+ b X! |
Docket Text: Opposition to Bill of Particulars, fd.502
% ?# `7 ^) c% R# tDate: 05/06/20158 {0 D) z9 Q3 h) h5 m
Document Name: Request for Discovery& p+ ^9 @: K, Y8 }3 J7 k
Docket Text: State's Request for Discovery, fd. 502
9 z4 i$ ~/ C* m) }# D% J1 IDate: 05/06/2015; s6 A& P2 n* q' u/ p- u
Document Name: States Required Disclosure4 S# K: Q% I! U9 N, x
Docket Text: 502
5 ^& n/ L5 o/ \* S! A6 IDate: 07/17/2015/ {% {# n, v+ j: k
Document Name: Motions Hearing Moot
6 \4 R3 i& e& S4 c0 ^# C' UDocket Text: ^099^ Motions Withdrawn
& w* l2 F. z0 `6 Z, C- GDate: 08/19/2015: g' I$ F0 p/ B
Document Name: Trial Continued/In Court
; J0 h3 N; x6 e9 UDocket Text: ^704^ State's Attorney essential witness ill/unavailable* |& s+ a* h- V& M0 t! q2 d6 M
Date: 08/19/20159 F, Z# ^" J4 L! O" R# n- L0 D% |% J
Document Name: Adult Daily Sheet, Filed
5 [6 H7 l7 E" P4 ^& HDocket Text: 587SB Judge Whalen; Ms. M. Smith, Reporter State's Continuance- Granted Code 704 Essential Witness Unavailable Reset to new trial date 10-6-15
$ \- O8 L2 e5 q0 r# UDate: 10/06/2015
: e: y3 E& j7 s$ F- Q0 MDocument Name: Failed to Appear
2 ]9 w, B. d& c7 d( zDocket Text: ^501^ Defendant failed to appear BW issued
- g8 b) G* S( h2 Q, [0 G$ a) D; KDate: 10/06/2015' N+ M6 K ~+ g7 a. y5 D) N
Document Name: Adult Daily Sheet, Filed
3 r. f0 C2 k/ g4 r- d( XDocket Text: 598mh Judge Alves; No Reporter Defendant failed to answer. Ordered that Bench Warrant issue, returnable to Circuit Court only. No Bond. FTA: Trial. Commited to the County Detention Center.! d" @8 y4 G/ Y. ~
Date: 10/14/2015% {; _6 o8 l, `8 R' G2 K2 m1 u, G G
Document Name: Bench Warrant Issued
" h* S( Q D2 ^" [" t" VDocket Text: % n ^ g0 X5 P1 A/ ^2 d6 U
Date: 10/26/20158 v( C* }& l' ~0 D6 `4 c; _
Document Name: Mot to Recall/Quash Warr fd
! A; J& @/ n3 \3 N+ v. IDocket Text: Motion to Quash the Bench Warrant and Request a New Trial. Fld, lmc, 283.2 Y# D( L$ G/ n0 f5 B0 _+ S: ~; l2 t0 I
Date: 10/30/2015
# j5 `7 o6 {" BDocument Name: Response, filed.
" S F- G. q; b9 q% ADocket Text: Respond dated 10-28-15, Judge Alves; The above captioned matter came to my chambers on the Motion to Quash the Bench Warrant and Request a New Trail field in the above captioned matter, However, upon review of the court file it appears that the defendant in this matter is represented by the office of the Public Defender and there is no indication that they habe withdrawn their appearance. 498
2 G% D3 _/ K8 I/ S w+ \Date: 10/29/20150 Y2 L8 u$ }8 Y1 ~6 T3 H
Document Name: Line of Appearance, fd
6 k% }5 U% i7 S6 E4 Z; k( VDocket Text: Shaoming Cheng fd 339
4 o7 [0 Z( i8 c6 ]Date: 11/17/2015
, B1 E9 D- e/ Q* j& C3 ZDocument Name: Letter, filed.
" O4 }" _5 N% L: r; [Docket Text: Certificate of Good Standing to Practice Law in Maryland, fld, 620& X* H5 W6 d4 P, }5 a5 _
Date: 10/20/2015
8 @1 h# [7 i0 @Document Name: Hicks Suspended(FTA)! W' [: Z: E: T* {' b3 T( c( v8 ^
Docket Text: 4 D$ p1 n, U( e( @8 u6 {* e
Date: 11/25/2015& w% S5 ] u( s" r2 x3 @. }4 L
Document Name: Order of Court, filed
. T5 ?4 Z L4 e5 h) E5 [/ K* {! ODocket Text: Order of court dated 11-19-15, Judge Alves; Ordered, that the Motion to Quash the Bench Warrant and Request for a new Trial, be and herby is Granted. And it is further, Ordered, that this matter be set in for a new trial. 498 cc fax to Sheriff. 498- Z+ M+ n- t3 r( i$ _( |
Date: 11/25/2015
5 I; \& ]. L7 B) DDocument Name: Bench Warrant Recalled, fd4 i6 _8 u; b' i' a
Docket Text: 5 P% x7 f% y `6 { K) v
Date: 01/08/2016# w1 ^0 \* O% c
Document Name: Motion for Continuance, fd
9 K) m% @( ?, d0 ?! B# }Docket Text: 622
& c4 d% p" G# @+ W7 s4 WDate: 01/14/20168 L) T* }9 J# C
Document Name: Order of Court, filed
; q" D; K- W% K6 K+ {: mDocket Text: Order of court dated 1-11-16, Judge Geter; Orderd that the Defendant's Motion to continue be scheduled. 498 cc sent to State Atty
8 M* H" @4 u8 u0 T4 m% KDate: 01/14/2016
V5 l4 L4 V( fDocument Name: Memorandum, filed. F9 E$ \- ~; `' b/ l
Docket Text: Memo from Judge Geter to Criminal Assignment. 498
3 |# ~& A3 f1 j( v W$ z$ M& aDate: 01/28/2016
! @4 j L$ n) x! a* t1 l4 WDocument Name: Hearing Held3 C3 D3 R4 C" n& m7 Y9 g6 H' K
Docket Text:
* b/ T2 `* O/ A9 ]1 CDate: 01/28/2016( J* d* o) O8 c. [4 c
Document Name: Trial Continued/Prior To
& F+ M) l! w. oDocket Text: 804 Defense Attorney in carry over Trial/Conflict, E, J; U2 ?2 ^1 v8 V' _; ?9 b
Date: 01/28/2016 h2 K% `1 V1 [; v. F5 }
Document Name: Adult Daily Sheet, Filed( x4 ^. b$ [& D4 A- O4 V. y
Docket Text: 598mh Judge Pearson; CS-D2026 Court finds good cause to continue the case beyond the 180 day requirement of MD Rule 4-271 Defendant's continuance - Granted. Defense counsel in conflict Reset to 3/22/16 for Trial
1 Z( I- o. g, G$ C0 sDate: 02/04/2016+ X4 f* u& D( y
Document Name: Return Mail, filed
$ N }6 ?7 v) }7 `! N+ ~2 A4 A3 p: s/ y1 c, B
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