華府詩友社的《嘗試集》有一個新的嘗試: 英歌中譯。下面是社友張暢繁教授翻譯的美國愛國歌曲《America the Beautiful》。七月四日為美國國慶, 《嘗試集》特登載此譯文, 以供詩友可用來對照歌詞, 欣賞譯文.
《美麗的阿美利卡》 歌詞中譯:張暢繁 美哉,此地! 遼闊天空,麥浪田閃金黃。 奇妙紫山,巍峨峻嶺,聳立於果原中。 阿美利卡!阿美利卡!上帝賜恩無盡。 冠以美善,惠及友鄰,光照無邊海洋。 美哉,此地! 朝聖行列,莊嚴肯定腳步。 四通大道,自由鼓吹,穿過曠野而來。 阿美利卡!阿美利卡!上帝修補瑕疵。 認定靈性,克制自我,權利法治共融。 美哉,此地! 各路英雄,為自由而奮鬥。 愛國忘己,甘願成仁,慈悲勝過生命。 阿美利卡!阿美利卡!上帝精煉如金。 唯望成就全然崇高,每得益皆聖潔。 美哉,此地! 愛國美夢,眼光超越時空。 理想之城,光芒如雪,淚痕不掩明亮。 阿美利卡!阿美利卡!上帝賜恩無盡。 冠以美善,惠及友鄰,光照無邊海洋。 《阿美利卡頌歌》當此美國國慶即將到臨之際,華府詩友社會友張暢繁教授以七絕延伸體式寫下了一首《阿美利卡頌歌》並將之譯為英文《Ode ToAmerica》與華府地區各界人士分享。 《阿美利卡頌歌》張暢繁 秀麗山河面兩洋。 溪湖美宅近街坊。 東西岸隔三千里, 還有南灣浴豔陽。 曠野平原連僻地, 麥田起浪閃金黃。 奇峰峽谷瞭雙目。 超路行車達四方, 民主自由崇法治, 多元理念出賢良。 人權保障心無懼, 各展潛能顯所長。 助弱扶貧人有望, 不愁政變少驚慌。 鎔爐共處盈團結, 公義為基國必強。 《Ode toAmerica》 A landof beautiful mountains and rivers is in between two oceans. Everywherea lake or stream is surrounded by gorgeous mansions. Alength of three thousand miles divides the east and west coastal lines. Seabathing can be taken on the Gulf under the warm and sunny skies. Wildernessesor great plains open up each isolated and remote corner. Thewaves of grains in the wind dance vivaciously in golden color. Spectacularcanons and mountain peaks brighten one’s eyes. Drivingon super highways can reach each destination on all sides. Constitutionguarantees your people a system of democracy and liberty. Theable and virtuous ones frequently emerge as you value diversity. Peoplefeel free to express their views under human-right protection. Allcitizens can maximize their potentials in their chosen profession. Theweak, the elderly, and the poor can seek help and live in dignity. Freedomfrom the fear of a coup allows the enjoyment of security. Livingin a melting pot of equality can actually lead to cohesiveness. Acountry will be rich and strong when it is built on righteousness.